
In a fierce battle where death shakes its wings,

ومعترك تهز به المنايا

1. In a fierce battle where death shakes its wings,
The swords of Indian men in the hands of swordsmen,

١. وَمُعْتَرَكٍ تَهُزُّ بهِ المَنايا
ذُكورَ الهِنْدِ في أيْدي ذُكورِ

2. Flashing blades that would make the blind see their gleam,
Yet the sighted's eyes are blinded before them,

٢. لوامِعُ يُبْصِرُ الأعْمَى سَناها
وَيَعْمَى دُونَها طَرْفُ البَصيرِ

3. With thrashing ponytails that toss with pride
Above a rosy cheek of smooth complexion,

٣. وخافِقَةِ الذَّوائِبِ قَدْ أَنافتْ
عَلى حَمْراءَ ذاتِ شباً طَريرِ

4. Circling them are ravens of death
That snatched hearts from chests,

٤. تحومُ حَوْلَها عُقبانُ مَوْتٍ
تَخَطَّفَتِ القُلوبَ منَ الصُّدُورِ

5. On a day that passed in the gown of night,
So the noble was not known from the commoner,

٥. بيومٍ راحَ في سِرْبالِ ليلٍ
فَما عُرفَ الأصيلُ منَ البُكورِ

6. And the eye of the sun peers into darkness
Like the glance of an innocent virgin behind her veil,

٦. وَعَيْنُ الشَّمْس تَرْنُو في قَتامٍ
رُنُوَّ البِكرِ ما بَينَ السُّتورِ

7. So you shortened from a long lifetime with it
And lengthened from a short lifetime because of it.

٧. فَكم قصَّرْتَ منْ عُمْرٍ طويلٍ
بهِ وأطلْتَ مِنْ عُمرٍ قَصيرِ