
A crescent whose glory grew and whom nobility chose,

هلال نماه المجد واختاره الفخر

1. A crescent whose glory grew and whom nobility chose,
A sun conceived him and a full moon gave birth.

١. هِلالٌ نَماهُ المجدُ واختارَهُ الفخرُ
تلقَّتْ به شمسٌ وأنجبَهُ بدرُ

2. On his face are the marks of generosity and sublimity,
Hopes shone through him and poetry rejoiced.

٢. على وجههِ سِيما المكارِم والعُلا
فضاءَتْ به الآمالُ وابتهجَ الشِّعرُ

3. A scion of sovereigns, a foster child of caliphs,
With hands like a sea and attainments like a deluge.

٣. سلالةُ أملاكٍ ربيبُ خَلائفٍ
أكفُّهمُ بحرٌ ونائلُهمْ غَمرُ

4. For the noon prayer appeared a star of virtues
With which the heights are adorned and which glory surrounds.

٤. بدا لصلاةِ الظُّهرِ نجمَ مَكارمٍ
تحفُّ به العَليا ويكنفُه الفخرُ

5. A excellent caliph raised him to the heights,
The world goes astray through him and the palace takes pride in him.

٥. نَماهُ إلى العلياءِ خيرُ خليفةٍ
تَتيهُ به الدنيا ويزهَى به القَصْرُ

6. Thus the branch is fragrant if its source is fragrant,
No branch can be fragrant unless its source is fragrant.

٦. كذاك يَطيبُ الفْرعُ إنْ طاب نَجْرُهُ
وما طابَ فرعٌ لا يطيبُ له نَجْرُ

7. He remains surrounded by the wings of favor,
Remembrance takes flight for him and status rises through him.

٧. فلا زال محفوفاً بأكنافِ نعمةٍ
يطيرُ له ذِكرٌ ويسمو بهِ قَدْرُ

8. Congratulations leader of the Muslims, gifted one
Whom his Lord loved, to Him be praise and thanks.

٨. هنيئاً إمامَ المسلمين عطيّةً
حباكَ بها ربٌّ له الحمدُ والشّكرُ

9. O you whom God crowned with the crown of caliphate,
Whose generosity is a rainfall when rain fails.

٩. فيا من كساهُ اللَّهُ تاجَ خلافةٍ
ومَن جُودُهُ قَطرٌ إذا أُعدمَ القطرُ

10. Whose palm makes the basil fragrant
And on whose fingers green leaves grow.

١٠. ومَن كان يَنْدَى الخيزُرانُ بكفِّهِ
ويَنبُتُ في أطرافهِ الورقُ الخُضْرُ