1. With the fragrance of roses in her breath,
Veiled in parting's gloom and dust,
١. ورادعةٍ بأنفاسِ العبيرِ
مُقنّعةِ المفارقِ بالقتيرِ
2. Her goblet unveiled her to us
Like the dawn rising in silken robes.
٢. جَلتْها الكاسُ فاطَّلعتْ علينا
طُلوعَ البِكر في حُللِ الحريرِ
3. As though her cups carried
Suns clothed in the raiment of moons.
٣. كأنَّ كؤوسَها يحملْنَ منها
شموساً ألبِستْ خِلعَ البُدورِ
4. As though when her temperament appeared
In the glass's bowl, it was fire and light.
٤. كأنَّ مزاجَها لمّا تجلَّتْ
بصحنِ زُجاجها نارٌ بنورِ
5. As though her skin were gold
Adorned with plentiful pearls' wreaths.
٥. كأنَّ أديمَها ذهبٌ عليهِ
أكاليلٌ منَ الدُّرِّ النَّثيرِ