
O Abu Salih, negligence has overcome the people

أبا صالح جاءت على الناس غفلة

1. O Abu Salih, negligence has overcome the people
With negligence manifest in every noble one

١. أَبا صالحٍ جاءَتْ على الناسِ غَفلةٌ
على غفلةٍ بانَتْ بكلِّ كريمِ

2. If only the afflicted were ransomed with the afflicted
They stayed so the lost one would be ransomed with one who stayed

٢. فليتَ الأُلى باتُوا يُفادونَ بالأُلى
أقامُوا فيُفدَى ظاعِنٌ بمُقيمِ

3. Oh, if only it were the greatest one, so our sky would be folded
For it and the earth would stretch with the stretch of leather

٣. ويا ليْتَها الكُبرى فُتطوى سَماؤُنَا
لها وتُمدُّ الأَرضُ مدَّ أَديمِ

4. For death is but the life of every miser
And life is but the death of every despicable one

٤. فما الموتُ إلا عيشُ كل مُبخَّلٍ
وما العَيشُ إلا موتُ كلِّ ذَميمِ