
You have strung for me pearls, or have you forged for me gold?

نظمت لي دررا أم صغت لي ذهبا

1. You have strung for me pearls, or have you forged for me gold?
Or have you descended the stars and meteors?

١. نظمت لي دررا أم صغت لي ذهبا
أم رحت تستنزل الأفلاك والشهبا

2. O most generous of people in keeping a covenant, you are not distant,
And your affection for me has remained close.

٢. يا أكرم الناس عهدا لست مبتعدا
وودك مني ظل مقتربا

3. You have owned a heart that none can possess,
Except the Trustworthy son of Haddad, when he claims ancestry.

٣. ملكت مني قلبا ليس يملكه
الا الأمين ابن حداد إذا انتسبا

4. If they were fair to you, they would name you, if I informed them -
Is not your grandfather Nasif who honored the father?

٤. لو انصفوك لسموك ان اشعرهم
أليس جدك ناصيف كرمت أبا

5. Rather you are Nu'man, a pearl in poetry, if attributed,
Rather you are a receptacle of verses, if inscribed.

٥. بل انت نظام در الشعر ان نسبا
بل انت منزل ايات إذا كتبا