
You have in this fever an old lover

لك في ذا الحمى محب قديم

1. You have in this fever an old lover
Whom distances did not turn from loyalty

١. لك في ذا الحمى محبٌّ قديمٌ
ما ثناه عن الوفاء البعاد

2. Whenever my year's celebration comes I call
You are my celebration, joy, and desire

٢. كلما جاء عيد عامي نادي
أنت عيدي وبهجتي والمراد

3. And though you were in joy and fortune
Our celebration with you envied the holidays

٣. وغذا كنت في سرور وحظّ
حسدت عيدنا بك الأعياد

4. O leader whom metrics get lost with
And for him is virtue, belonging and guidance

٤. يا إماما به تتيه القوافي
وله الفضل ينتمي والرشاد

5. You obtained from the most just king a medal
Individuals have attained its heights

٥. نلت من أعدل الملوك وساما
قد سمت في مناله الأفراد

6. The association of knowledges cheered for you
And with what you attained the countries congratulated you

٦. هلّلت عصبةُ المعارف طرّاً
وبما نلت هنأتك البلاد

7. Live long and continue honored for an era
You are its professor and you are the pillar

٧. عش طويلا ودم عزيزاً لعصر
أنت أستاذه وأنت العماد