1. All praise for what you have done is little,
Abundant thanks, though too brief and long,
١. كل حمد لما صنعتم قليل
وافر الشكر قاصر والطويل
2. You have raised the banner of excellence for the Truth,
And have followed guidance and the best path.
٢. قد رفعتم للحق راية فضل
وسلكتم هدى ونعم السبيل
3. You have guided people to righteousness,
When the ignorant enemy almost led them astray.
٣. وهديتم إلى الرشاد أناسا
كاد يغويهم العدو الجهول
4. You stayed awake while those I do not name slept,
And were it not for you, there would be wailing.
٤. فسهرتم ونام من لا أسمي
ه ولولا كم لحل العويل
5. You have saved the blood of a people who
Have a noble covenant with the Muslims.
٥. وحقنتم دماء قوم لهم في
ذمة المسلمين عهد جليل
6. God bears witness they are the closest of people
To you in affection, as does the Messenger.
٦. شهد الله انهم اقرب النا
س اليكم مودة والرسول
7. Your opponent has disputed that they are under your protection,
Supporting what cannot be verified.
٧. قال خاصمت من اذاهم حديك
مسند ما لصدقه تبديل
8. We have what you have, a noble hadith,
As well as the Quran and the Gospel.
٨. ولنا ما لكم حديث شريف
ثم هذا القرآن والانجيل
9. We have been commanded to do good, justice and kindness,
Not corruption - this is what Revelation dictates.
٩. قد أمرنا بالبر والعدل والاح
سان لا بالفجور جاء التنزيل
10. This is the law of religions, not showing mercy to a people
Whose claim is misguidance.
١٠. ذاك شرع الاديان لا رحم الرح
مان قوما دعواهم تضليل
11. What religion permits pillage and murder?
Is that a reasonable doctrine?
١١. أي دين يحلل النهب والقت
ل وهل ذاك مذهب معقول
12. Whoever permits them is an unbelieving ingrate,
With no proof in the religions.
١٢. من يحللنهما جحود كفور
ما له في الاديان طرا دليل
13. O protectors of the sanctuary, you have tied my tongue
With hands I kiss.
١٣. يا حماة الحمى عقدتم لساني
باياد منا لها تقبيل
14. O protectors of the sanctuary, through you the body of
Justice has been healed, though it has been unwell since ancient days.
١٤. يا حماة الحمى بكم صح جسم ال
عدل والعدل منذ عهد عليل
15. This is the way of the honourable,
Thus the beloved guards the beloved.
١٥. هذه سنة الأكارم طرا
هكذا يحرس الخليل الخليل