1. Oh home of the living with its two lions
Worn by time in diverse colors
١. أَلا يا دِيارَ الحَيِّ بِالسَبعانِ
أَمَلَّ عَلَيها بِالبِلى المَلَوانِ
2. Show me the home of the living, nothing came between us
Just frightening events from the new era
٢. أَبيني دِيارَ الحَيِّ لا هَجرَ بَينَنا
وَلَكِنَّ رَوعاتٍ مِنَ الحَدَثانِ
3. A day and night always filled
With all kinds of changing people
٣. نَهارٌ وَلَيلٌ دائِمٌ مَلواهُما
عَلى كُلِّ حالِ الناسِ يَختَلِفانِ
4. And here is what my God had shown me
And I lament over their suffering hearts
٤. وَراهُنَّ رَبّي مِثلَ ما قَد وَرَينَني
وَأَحمى عَلى أَكبادِهِنَّ المَكاوِيا