
Turn away, and greet the journey, O travels!

عوجوا فحيوا أيها السفر

1. Turn away, and greet the journey, O travels!
Or how can an abandoned dwelling speak?

١. عوجوا فَحَيّوا أَيُّها السَفرُ
أَم كَيفَ يَنطِقُ مَنزِلٌ قَفرُ

2. The loved ones vanished, and only the ruins remain
All dwellings, they are but abandoned ruins

٢. خَلَدَ الجُبَيبُ وَبادَ حاضِرُهُ
إِلّا مَنازِلَ كُلُّها قَفرُ

3. Played with by Yemeni winds
You see its landmarks though you don't know them

٣. لَعِبَت بِها هوجٌ يَمانِيَةٌ
فَتَرى مَعارِفَها وَله تَدري

4. Every violent wind assailed it
Winds not for their strength to be proud of

٤. وَلَهِت عَلَيها كُلُّ مُعصِفَةٍ
هَوجاءُ لَيسَ لِلُبِّها زَبرُ

5. Evening winds, wandering winds blow
Winds of morning raid, their month long

٥. عَشواءُ رَعبَلَةُ الرَواحِ خَجَو
جاةُ الغُدُوِّ رَواحُها شَهرُ

6. Kharaqa, devouring mountains and expanses
Its belly empty, and pale yellow

٦. خَرقاءُ تَلتَهِمُ الجِبالَ وَأَج
وازَ الفَلاةِ وَبَطنُها صِفرُ

7. Al-Quf weaves it, showered by rain
Smooth dome glittering white

٧. وَالقوفُ تَنسُجُهُ الدَبورُ وَأَت
لالٌ مُلَمَّعَةُ القَرا شَقرُ

8. Al-Hirba cloaked itself, grunting
As it gnaws its veins and scrapes

٨. وَتَقنَّعَ الحِرباءُ أَرنَتَهُ
مُتَشاوِساً لِوَريدِهِ نَقرُ

9. And from its mosque’s balconies I knew
Two stones, so long they've been by time wore

٩. وَعَرَفتُ مِن شُرُفاتِ مَسجِدِها
حَجَرَينِ طالَ عَلَيهِما الدَهرُ

10. Crying for the emptiness, I said as they cried
After your crying, what more patience

١٠. بَكَيا الخَلاءَ فَقُلتُ إِذ بَكَيا
ما بَعدَ مِثلِ بُكاكُما صَبرُ

11. If you come from Aden, so remote
Its talk polite, its people kind

١١. إِن تَغدُ مِن عَدَنٍ فَأَبينَةٍ
فَمَقيلُها الحُوّارُ وَالبِشرُ

12. Putting words in their right places
And their speech after it, so sparse

١٢. تَضَعُ الحَديثَ عَلى مَواضِعِهِ
وَكَلامُها مِن بَعدِهِ نَزرُ

13. Divert, O doubter, the youth may grow
The broken is mended, the little becomes more

١٣. عوجي اِبنَةَ البَلَسِ الظَنونِ فَقَد
يَربو الصَغيرُ وَيُجبَرُ الكَسرُ

14. Youth is gone, and old age comes
Brothers changed, and time too

١٤. بانَ الشَبابُ وَأَخلَفَ العَمرُ
وَتَغَيَّرَ الإِخوانُ وَالدَهرُ

15. And I went out fearing nothing
No dread to be cautious of, no fright

١٥. وَلَقَد غَدَوتُ وَما يُفَزِّعُني
خَوفٌ أُحاذِرُهُ وَلا ذُعرُ

16. The shedding of youth as if I were a branch
In holy Mecca, smooth and green

١٦. رُؤدُ الشَبابِ كَأَنَّني غُصنٌ
بِحَرامِ مَكَةَ ناعِمٌ نَضرُ

17. Like a draft of wine, its trouble forgotten
To each destined matter, its fate

١٧. كَشَرابِ قيلٍ عَن مَطِيَّتِهِ
وَلِكُلِّ اَمرٍ واقِعٍ قَدرُ

18. Since daybreak it has had its time and night lingered on it
And wine was forbidden it

١٨. مُذِ النَهارُ لَهُ وَطالَ عَلَيهِ ال
لَيلُ وَاِستَنعَت بِهِ الخَمرُ

19. A gallant she-camel, covering it a cloak
Below which a screen was lowered

١٩. وَمُسِفَّةٌ دَهماءُ داجِنَةٌ
رَكَدَت وَأُسبِلَ دونَها السَترُ

20. If you visit them by night, there is
The music of lutes, and a drunken gathering

٢٠. مِن دونِهِم غِن جِئتَهُم سَمَراً
عَزفُ القِيانِ وَمَجلِسُ غَمرُ

21. And two crickets singing for them
On them pearls and beads

٢١. وَجَرادَتانِ تُغَنِّيانِهِم
وَعَليهِما الياقوتُ وَالشَذرُ

22. And a sparkling wine skin, its leather
Curved like a bear's back

٢٢. وَمُجَلجَلٌ دانٍ زَبَرجَدُهُ
حَدِبٌ كَما يَتَحَدَّبُ الدُبرُ

23. And two singers, chanting between them
The melody of the strings is jarring

٢٣. وَنّانِ حَنّانانِ بَينَهُما
وَتَرٌ أَجَشُّ غِناؤُهُ زَمرُ

24. And their camel, saddled, with bells
Hurt neither by dirt nor fleas

٢٤. وَبَعيرُهُم ساجٍ بِجَرَّتِهِ
لَم يُؤذِهِ غَرثٌ وَلا نَفرُ

25. If it groans, it splits its lip
If it brays, it is still a virgin

٢٥. فَإِذا تَجَرَّرَ شَقَّ بازِلَهُ
وَإِذا أَصاخَ فَإِنَّهُ بِكرُ

26. Leave the path free, for the Didban have
Faded away, and the suite dispersed

٢٦. خَلّوا طَريقَ الديدَبونِ فَقَد
وَلّى الصِبا وَتَفاوَتَ النَجرُ

27. Give yourself to dusk brought you peace
And enjoy the morning, O Fate

٢٧. وَاِسلَم بِراووقٍ حُبيتَ بِهِ
وَاِنعِم صَباحاً أَيُّها الجَبرُ

28. Do not follow them when the north wind blows
Nor its dusty horizons

٢٨. لا تَقتَفي بِهِمُ الشَمالُ إِذا
هَبَّت وَلا آفاقُها الغُبرُ

29. Brave if the war drums beat, and they
Victorious if victory delayed

٢٩. هُضُمٌ إِذا حُبَّ القُتارُ وَهُم
نُصُرُّ إِذا ما اِستُبطِئَ النَصرُ

30. I was no spy among my people
Even if a disobeyer, his affair is ordained

٣٠. ما كُنتُ مِن قَومي بِدالِهَةٍ
لَو أَنَّ مَعصِيّاً لَهُ أَمرُ

31. You tasked me with the gnat's brain
So I fell short, no success, no excuse

٣١. كَلَّفتَني مُخَّ البَعوضِ فَقَد
أَقصَرتُ لا نُجحٌ وَلا عُذرُ