1. The Majestic One tortured me with fire
If my heart became enamored with a lovely maiden
١. عَذَّبَني ذو الجَلالِ بِالنارِ
إِن هامَ قَلبي بِذاتٍ إِسوارِ
2. And she never fell in love forever
Until you see me captive in chains
٢. وَلا تَعَشَّقَت قَينَةً أَبَداً
حَتّى تَراني رَهينَ أَحجارِ
3. How many fools it left without esteem
It inherited from him humiliation after pride
٣. كَم مِن غَبِيٍّ تَرَكنَ ذا عَدَمٍ
أَورَثنَهُ الذُلَّ بَعدَ إِكثارِ
4. It stole his heart with glance, charm, and winks
And with flirtation it destroyed his brain
٤. سَلَبنَ مِنهُ الفُؤادَ بِالنَظَرِ ال
رَطبِ وَغُنجٍ وَغَمزِ أَبصارِ
5. And beauty of melody and rhythm of strings
Until when his money was spent
٥. وَبِالتَشاجي أَتلَفنَ مُهجَتَهُ
وَحُسنِ لَحنٍ وَقَرعِ أَوتارِ
6. And he became anxious and sleepless
They gave him wiping, then told him
٦. حَتّى إِذا ما مَضَت دَراهِمُهُ
وَصارَ ذا فِكرَةِ وَتَسهارِ
7. Whiten it in the river, the river of good news
So never be fooled by a maiden forever
٧. ناوَلَنَهُ المَسحَ ثُمَّ قُلنَ لَهُ
بَيِّضهُ بِالنَهرِ نَهرِ بَشّارِ
8. And leave the burning of the furnace
For with them there is no shame in betrayal
٨. فَلا تَغُرَّنكَ قَينَةٌ أَبَداً
وَدَع وِصارَ القِيانِ في النارِ
9. If they fancied or desired that from disgrace
٩. فَلَيسَ في الغَدرِ عِندَهُنَّ إِذا
هَوَينَ أَو شِئنَ ذاكَ مِن عارِ