
Youth has departed and old age has exhausted its weakness,

بان الشباب وأفنى ضعفه العمر

1. Youth has departed and old age has exhausted its weakness,
To God belong the happenings - which life do you await?

١. بانَ الشَبابُ وَأَفنى ضِعفَهُ العُمُرُ
لِلَهِ دَرُكَ أَيَّ العَيشِ تَنتَظِرُ

2. Are you a seeker of things unattainable?
Or does your heart no longer care for its companions?

٢. هَل أَنتَ طالِبُ وِترٍ لَستَ مُدرِكَهُ
أَم هَل لِقَلبِكَ عَن أُلّافِهِ وَطَرُ

3. Or did you used to know verses, so ruins of your friendship
Now make excuses through desolation?

٣. أَم كُنتَ تَعرِفُ آياتِ فَقَد جَعَلَت
أَطلالُ إِلفِكَ بِالوَدكاءِ تَعتَذِرُ

4. Or do you still hope for a dignified living
That has not been hoped for before, nor recorded in books?

٤. أَم لا تَزالُ تُرَجّي عيشَةً أُنُفاً
لَم تُرجَ قَبلُ وَلَم يُكتَب بِها زُبُرُ

5. My friends insist on the past, so I said to them:
That was your time, and this is the era after it.

٥. يَلحى عَلى ذاكَ أَصحابي فَقُلتُ لَهُم
ذاكُم زَمانٌ وَهَذا بَعدَهُ عُصُرُ

6. Who laments the parting of loved ones during calamities,
Or the early arrival of living's burdensome loads?

٦. مَن لِنواعِجِ تَنزو في أَزِمَّتِها
أَم لِتَنائي حُمولُ الحَيِّ قَد بَكَروا

7. As if folded by the basket-maker,
When its belly is folded and the journey scrunched.

٧. كَأَنَّها بِنَقا العَزّافِ طاوِيَةٌ
لَمّا اِنطَوى بَطنُها وَاِخرَوَّطَ السَفَرُ

8. A beautifully colored pearl, whose charm
Has been removed by a necklace around her waist.

٨. مارِيَّةٌ لُؤلُؤانُ اللَونِ أَوَّدَها
طَلٌّ وَبَنَّسَ عَنها فَرقَدٌ خَصِرُ

9. She continues to avert him disdainfully, her flesh
Covering adversity secretly, sight cannot reach it.

٩. ظَلَّت تُماحِلُ عَنهُ عَسعَساً لِحَماً
يَغشى الضَرّاءَ خَفِيّاً دونَهُ النَظَرُ

10. She nurtures him bit by bit while he is unaware,
Molding him time and again as she gets vexed.

١٠. تُربي لَهُ وَهوَ مَسرورٌ بِغَفلَتِها
طَوراً وَطَوراً تَسَنّاهُ فَتَعتَكِرُ

11. On a long night, with companions and a blazing fire,
Of meteors, hail, drops, and scattered pearls.

١١. في يَومِ طَلٍّ وَأَشباهٍ وَضافِيَةٍ
شَهبا وَثَلجٍ وَقَطرٍ وَقعُهث دِرَرُ

12. Until copious rain reaches him and violent winds blow,
Where tranquility and open space meet.

١٢. حَتّى تَناهى بِهِ غَيثٌ وَلَجَّ بِها
بَهوٌ تَلاقَت بِهِ الآرامُ وَالبَقَرُ

13. She circles and travels a short distance around his meadows
Until the succession of their friendship is severed.

١٣. طافَت وَسافَت قَليلاً حَولَ مَرتَعِهِ
حَتّى اِنقَضى مِن تَوالي إِلفِها الوَطَرُ

14. She finds no scent in the darkness of night
Except remnants of what the dust has kept.

١٤. فَلَم تَجِد في سَوادِ اللَيلِ رائِحَةً
إِلّا سَماحيقَ مِمّا أَحرَزَ العَفَرُ

15. Then she returned in the dark of night, reminiscing,
While his body lay torn to pieces.

١٥. ثُمَّ اِرعَوَت في سَوادِ اللَيلِ وَاِدَّكَرَت
وَقَد تَمَزَّعَ صادٍ لَحمُهُ دَفِرُ

16. Then she continued like a flash of lightning and emerged
From her the daisies of interruptions and blossoms.

١٦. ثُمَّ اِستَمَرَّت كَضَوءِ البَرقِ وَاِنفَرَجَت
عَنها الشَقائِقُ مِن بَهنانَ وَالضَفِرُ

17. The necklaces fell from her neck,
As sparks fall from striking the flint stone.

١٧. تَطايَحَ الطَلُّ عَن أَردافِها صُعُدا
كَما تَطايَحَ عَن ماموسَةَ الشَرَرُ

18. As if when she approached the origin
Of basil, with bracelets on her arms,

١٨. كَأَنَّما تِلكَ لَمّا أَن دَنَت أُصُلاً
مِن رَحرَحانَ وَفي أَعطافِها زَوَرُ

19. Until when she grew old, and night seeks her,
The hands of riders flow down the smooth dunes.

١٩. حَتّى إِذا كَرَبَت وَاللَيلُ يَطلُبُها
أَيدي الرِكابِ مِنَ اللَغباءِ تَنحَدِرُ

20. She landed, and had she known my knowledge, she would not have hesitated
Until the loved one's neck bent and sighed.

٢٠. حَطَّت وَلَو عَلِمَت عِلمي لَما عَزَفَت
حَتّى تَلَينَ واهٍ كَرُّها بَسَرُ

21. An old man, whose companions have abandoned him,
Valiant and dark-skinned, excuses can be found for him.

٢١. شَيخٌ شَموسٌ إِذا ما عَزَّ صاحِبُه
شَهمٌ وَاِسمَرُ مَحبوكٌ لَهُ عُذُرُ

22. As if his footsteps, if accompanied by the clanking of his gear,
Were like the echo of pebbles in dry valleys.

٢٢. كَأَنَّ وَقعَتَهُ لَو ذانَ مِرفَقِها
صَلقُ الصَفا بِأَديمِ وَقعُهُ تِيَرُ

23. My she-camel leaned her chest against her door in agony -
Is this your yearning, or are you but a mere reminder?

٢٣. حَنَّت قَلوصي إِلى بابوسِها جَزعاً
فَما حَنينُكَ أَم ما أَنتَ وَالذِكَرُ

24. Her friend heard a tune and thought it
Was the slapping of saddles at night spreading out.

٢٤. إِخالُها سَمِعَت عَزفاً فَتَحسَبُهُ
إِهابَةَ القَسرِ لَيلاً حينَ تَنتَشِرُ

25. Hide, for only enmity and harmful deceit returns to Uthman,
And flee, for I see people retreating.

٢٥. خُبّي فَلَيسَ إِلى عُثمانَ مُرتَجَعٌ
إِلّا العَداءُ وَإِلّا مَكنَحٌ ضَرَرُ

26. And that Yahya is the savior of people and the time,
O Yahya, son of the Imam of people, we are destroyed

٢٦. وَاِنجي فَإِنّي إِخالُ الناسَ في نَكَصٍ
وَأَنَّ يَحيى غِياثُ الناسِ وَالعُصُرُ

27. By the striking of whips, hardship of money and sadness.
If you do not pay heed, O son of Abi Al-Aasi, to our need,

٢٧. يا يَحيى يا اِبنَ إِمامِ الناسِ أَهلَكَنا
ضَربُ الجُلودِ وَعُسرُ المالِ وَالحَسَرُ

28. Then our need has no relief or consolation.
What you accept we accept, and if you burden us with excess

٢٨. إِن تَنبُ يا اِبنَ أَبي العاصي بِحاجَتِنا
فَما لِحاجَتِنا وِردٌ وَلا صَدَرُ

29. What you dislike is abhorred by us.
We are those who, if you wish, listen

٢٩. ما تَرضَ نَرضَ وَإِن كَلَّفتَنا شَطَطاً
وَما كَرِهتَ فَكُرهٌ عِندَنا قَذَرُ

30. To a caller - we come for whichever command you instruct.
I seek refuge in what the Prophet sought refuge

٣٠. نَحنُ الَّذينَ إِذا ما شِئتَ أَسمَعَنا
داعٍ فَجِئنا لِأَيِّ الأمرِ نَأتَمِرُ

31. And in the Caliph - may excuses never run out.
From your overindulged ones and associates with whom

٣١. إِنّي أَعوذُ بِما عاذَ النَبِيُّ بِهِ
وَبِالخَليفَةِ أَن لا تُبَلُ العُذُرُ

32. We have no justice, yet we do not seek victory.
If you let the injustice of oppressors reign over us,

٣٢. مِن مُترَفيكُم وَأَصحابٍ لَنا مَعَهُم
لا يَعدِلونَ وَلا نَأبى فَنَنتَصِرُ

33. The Mudar did not build the likes of it.
Do not forget the day of Abi Dardaa` our scene

٣٣. فَإِن تُقِرَّ عَلَينا جَورَ مَظلِمَةٍ
لَم تَبنِ بَيتاً عَلى أَمثالِها مُضَرُ

34. And before that, other days that belong to us.
Whoever touches the family of Yahya happily

٣٤. لا تَنسِ يَومَ أَبي الدَرداءِ مَشهَدَنا
وَقَبلَ ذَلِكَ أَيّامٌ لَنا أُخَرُ

35. In the protection of the matter - fate has not overcome him yet.
A banner on the day when death plants its banner,

٣٥. مَن يُمسِ مِن آلِ يَحيى مُغتَبِطاً
في عِصمَةِ الأَمرِ ما لَم يَغلِبِ القَدَرُ

36. Until victory and triumph return to it.
They are from a house that belongs sincerely to God,

٣٦. وَرّادَةٌ يَومَ نَعبِ المَوتِ رايَتُهُم
حَتّى يَفيءَ إِلَيها النَصرُ وَالظَفَرُ

37. They ascended with the reins of authority and descended.
As if it were a morning in which their night flows,

٣٧. مِن أَهلِ بَيتٍ هُمُ لِلَهِ خالِصَةٌ
قَد صَعَدوا بِزِمامِ الأَمرِ وَاِنحَدَروا

38. Passing from Indian wares interwoven.
Rising above the horizon, with clouds watered by it,

٣٨. كَأَنَّهُ صُبحَ يَسري القَومُ لَيلَهُمُ
ماضٍ مِنَ الهِندُوانِيّاتِ مُنسَدِرُ

39. In it the sun and moon gleamed weakly.
Is there any injustice in the ninety over the eight?

٣٩. يَعلو مَعَدّاً وَيُستَسقى الغَمامُ بِهِ
بَدَّرٌ تَضاءَلَ فيهِ الشَمسُ وَالقَمَرُ

40. By its Lord, it clings to the book of God.
They wear striped morning gowns,

٤٠. هَل في الثَماني مِنَ التِسعينَ مَظلمَةٌ
وَرَبُّها لِكِتابِ اللَهِ مُستَطِرُ

41. Indeed when elders are hurt, they become annoyed.
Until openly they feel at ease,

٤١. يَكسونَهُم أَصبَحِيّاتٍ مُحَدرَجَةً
إِنَّ الشُيوخَ إِذا ما أوجِعوا ضَجِروا

42. Away from the masks behind which they scheme.
We are not bodies of `Aad in our nature,

٤٢. حَتّى يَطيبوا لَهُم نَفساً عَلانِيَّةً
عَنِ القِلاصِ الَّتي مِن دونِها مَكَروا

43. We feel not harm until even stone hurts.
No humiliating jizyah is upon us, nor is there compulsion in religion,

٤٣. لَسنا بِأَجسادِ عادٍ في طَبائِعِنا
لا نَألَمُ الشَرَّ حَتّى يَألَمَ الحَجَرُ

44. Nor are Jews an arrogant people whose religion is nonsense.
We are only people of a she-camel that wandered off,

٤٤. وَلا نَصارى عَلَينا جِزيَةٌ نُسُكٌ
وَلا يَهودُ طَغاماً دينُهُم هَدَرُ

45. We have no tillage or wealth except her.
They have filled the lands and it has filled them, and fire consumed them

٤٥. إِن نَحنُ إِلّا أُناسٌ أَهلُ سائِمَةٍ
ما إِن لَنا دونَها حَرثٌ وَلا غُرَرُ

46. The injustice of bliss and the water and trees have perished.
If you do not save them, their homes will become

٤٦. مَلّوا البِلادَ وَمَلَّتهُم وَأَحرَقَهُم
ظُلمُ السَعادَةِ وَبادَ الماءُ وَالشَجَرُ

47. Barren plains on whose edges foxes whiten.
Save women and elders who have no stability,

٤٧. إِن لا تُدارِكهُمُ تُصبِح مَنازِلُهُم
قَفراً تَبيضُ عَلى أَرجائِها الحُمرُ

48. If you have no other excuse for what they have faced.
Indeed, the defects they hide are apparent,

٤٨. أَدرِك نِساءً وَشيباً لا قَرارَ لَهُم
إِن لَم يَكُن لَكَ فيما قَد لَقَوا غِيَرُ

49. In them is clarity, and news is twisted from you.
So send to them and take them to account,

٤٩. إِنَّ العِيابَ الَّتي يُخفونَ مَشرَجَةٌ
فيها البَيانُ وَيُلوى دونَكَ الخَبَرُ

50. Without fear for an eye or trace.
And do not say arrogantly: you did not give me a choice,

٥٠. فَاِبعَث إِلَيهِم فَحاسِبهُم مَحاسَبَةً
لا تَخَف عَينق عَلى عَينٍ وَلا أَثَرُ

51. Old age did not leave any arrogance or affliction for me.
Ask them wherever God exposes their flaws -

٥١. وَلا تَقولَنَّ زَهواً ما تُخَيِّرُني
لَم يَترُكِ الشَيبُ لي زَهواً وَلا العَوَرُ

52. Is there any injustice from us in their chests?

٥٢. سائِلهُمُ حَيثُ يُبدي اللَهُ عَورَتَهُم
هَل في صُدورِهِم مِن ظُلمِنا وَحَرُ