
When the sword of Allah said "Attack them!"

إذا قال سيف الله كروا عليهم

1. When the sword of Allah said "Attack them!"
I attacked with a heart binding valiance and sharp resolution.

١. إِذا قالَ سَيفُ اللَهِ كَرّوا عَلَيهِمُ
كَرَرتُ بِقَلبٍ رابِطِ الجَأشِ صارِمِ

2. And which of us protects with his soul
The tribe of Amer on the day of lances and spears.

٢. وَمِنّا الَّذي يَحمي بِمُهجَةِ نَفسِهِ
بَني عامِرٍ يَومَ المُلوكِ القَماقِمِ

3. So he shook his spear as if its heel
Was a cane, driving away the dates from the non-Arabs.

٣. فَهَزَّ رُدَينِيّاً كَأَنَّ كُعوبَهُ
نَوى القَسبِ نَفّى التَمرَ عِندَ العَواجِمِ