
She came out to you with her dress inside out

خرجت إليك وثوبها مقلوب

1. She came out to you with her dress inside out
And her heart was beating wildly for you

١. خَرَجَت إِلَيكَ وَثَوبُها مَقلوبُ
وَلِقَلبِها طَرَباً إِلَيكَ وَجيبُ

2. As if she were in the house when she saw you
A frightened gazelle tangled in branches

٢. وَكَأَنَّها في الدارِ حينَ تَعَرَّضَت
ظَبيٌ تَعَلَّلَ بِالفَلا مَرعوبُ

3. She smiled and came to you when she smiled
With a string of unpierced pearls

٣. وَتَبَسَّمَت فَأَتَتكَ حينَ تَبَسَّمَت
بِجُمانِ دُرٍّ لَم يَشِنهُ ثُقوبُ

4. The morning caller bid you farewell, so you were delighted
A soul calling to the misguidance of perdition

٤. وَدَّعَتكَ داعِيَةُ الصِبا فَتَطَرَّبَت
نَفسٌ إِلى داعي الضَلالِ طَروبُ

5. I thought you were as in days of love
When the branch of youth was fresh

٥. حَسِبتُكَ في حالِ الغَرامِ كَعَهدِها
في الدارِ إذ غُصنُ الشَبابِ رَطيبُ

6. And I knew what was in her soul, so I squeezed it
And there fell from it scented buds

٦. وعرفت ما في نفسها فضممتها
فتساقطت بهنانةٌ عبوب

7. I grasped that thing with the grasp of warriors
And there flowed to me your pressed juice

٧. وقبضت ذاك الشيء قبضة شاهن
فنزا إليّ عضنّكٌ حلبوب

8. With my left hand, and the left hand has a subtlety
That no other has, and the poet is clever

٨. بيدي الشّمال وللشّمال لطافة
ليست لأخرى والأديب أريب

9. So from it, when I touched it, my palm was wet
With dew like rosewater when it flows

٩. فأصاب كفّي منه حين لمسته
بللٌ كماء الورد حين يسيب

10. And my soul melted from the pleasure of its dripping
Until I feared for my heart it would melt

١٠. وتحلّلت نفسي للذّة رشحه
حتى خشيت على الفؤاد يذوب

11. But the damned thing recoiled from it, and maybe
I called it good, but it would not respond

١١. فتقاعس الملعون عنه وربّما
ناديته خيراً فليس يجيب

12. And it refused, truly refusing as if
It were a jinn led to perdition, troubled

١٢. وأبى فحقّق في الإباء كأنّه
جانٍ يقاد إلى الرّدى مكروب

13. And its sides shook as if
It were an old wineskin worn through with holes

١٣. وتغضّنت جنباته فكأنّه
كيرٌ تقادم عهده مثقوب

14. Until when the light of dawn shone, a torch
And the vanishing of darkness drew near

١٤. حتى إذا ما الصبح لاح عموده
قبساً وحان من الظلام ذهوب

15. I asked her shyly, "Don't you need anything
From me?" She said mockingly, "Get lost!"

١٥. ساءلتها خجلاً أما لك حاجة
عندي فقالت ساخر وحروب

16. She said, "Damn your mother! When you want to bid her farewell
There's a horn, with cracks and holes in it!"

١٦. قالت حر أمّك إذا أردت وداعها
قرنٌ وفيه عوارضٌ وشعوب