
I aimed my praise at Khalid, striving towards him,

قصدت بمدحي جاهدا نحو خالد

1. I aimed my praise at Khalid, striving towards him,
Hoping for generosity from his open hand.

١. قَصَدتُ بِمَدحي جاهِداً نَحوَ خالِدٍ
أُؤَمَّلُ مِن جَدواهُ فوقَ مُنائي

2. But he gave me nothing of his wealth except one coin -
A pittance, after my hopes in him had been cut off.

٢. فَلَم يُعطِني مِن مالِهِ غَيرَ دِرهَمٍ
تَكَلَّفَهُ بَعدَ اِنقِطاعِ رَجائي

3. It was like a barber extracting a healthy tooth
By force, amidst loud wailing and crying.

٣. كَما اِقتَلَعَ الحَجّامُ ضِرساً صَحيحَةً
إِذا اِستُخرِجَت مِن شِدَّةٍ بِبُكاءِ