
How many a complacent one thought he'd never leave

وكم ظاعن قد ظن أن ليس آيبا

1. How many a complacent one thought he'd never leave
Yet he left, diminishing many of those present

١. وَكَم ظاعِنٍ قَد ظَنَّ أَن لَيسَ آيِباً
فَآبَ وَأَودى حاضِرونَ كَثيرُ

2. And that which you magnified in my exile from you
Though you magnified it, was but a small thing

٢. وَإِنَّ الَّذي أَعظَمتِهِ مِن تَغَرُّبي
عَلَيَّ وَإِن أَعظَمتِ ذاكَ يَسيرُ

3. I've seen death overtake those it pursues as enemies
Casting them down while birds take flight from them

٣. رَأَيتُ المَنايا يُدرِكُ العُصمَ عَدوُها
فَيُنزِلُها وَالطَيرُ مِنهُ تَطيرُ

4. I must proceed, then return safely
While those feeling secure after me perish

٤. وَعَلَيَّ أَمضي ثُمَّ أَرجِعُ سالِماً
وَيَهلِكُ بَعدي آمِنونَ حُضورُ

5. I hoped it would bring me back though whoever
Is in my state tomorrow will barely endure

٥. جَعلتُ أُرَجّيها إِيابي وَمَن غَدا
عَلى مِثلِ حالي لا يَكادُ يَحورُ

6. Why should I care when time has elapsed
My body weakened and the place abandoned

٦. وَكَيفَ أُبالي وَالزَمانُ قَد اِنقَضى
وَعَظمي مُهيضٌ وَالمَكانُ شَطيرُ

7. Though I feigned composure about myself
My burning liver still bears hatred for you

٧. وَإِنّي وَإِن أَظهَرتُ مِنّي تَجَلُّداً
لَذو كَبِدٍ حَرّى عَلَيكَ حَسيرُ