
The prince jokingly said in his speech:

قال الأمير مداعبا بمقاله

1. The prince jokingly said in his speech:
The gazelle came with its beauty and charm.

١. قالَ الأَميرُ مُداعِباً بِمَقالِهِ
جاءَ الغَزالُ بِحُسنِهِ وَجَمالِهِ

2. Where is beauty from a man who grew old
Going through manifold ninety states of mind?

٢. أَينَ الجَمالُ مِن اِمرِئٍ أَربى عَلى
مُتَعَدِّدِ التَسعينَ مِن أَحوالِهِ

3. Can there be beauty for someone whom the days
Have shackled in their fetters then unbound,

٣. وَهَل الجَمالُ لَهُ الجَمالُ مِن اِمرِئٍ
أَلقاهُ ريبُ الدَهرِ في أَغلالِهِ

4. And after vigor made him weak instead,
Replaced the glory of his state with decline?

٤. وَأَعادَهُ مِن بَعدِ جِدَّتِهِ بِلىً
وَأَحالَ رَونَقَ حالِهِ عن حالِهِ