
Some of your windows overlook Zainab

بعض تصابيك على زينب

1. Some of your windows overlook Zainab
Youthfulness is no good for the elderly

١. بَعضَ تَصابيكَ عَلى زَينَبٍ
لا خَيرَ في الصَبوَةِ لِلأَشيبِ

2. After fifty have passed you by
Still overflowing towards folly

٢. أَبَعدَ خَمسينَ تَقَضَّيتَها
وافِيَةً تَصبو إِلى الرَبرَبِ

3. Every plump part of the buttocks
Like an unmounted, skinny mare

٣. كُلِّ رَداحِ الرَدفِ خُمصانَةٍ
كَالمُهرَةِ الضامِرِ لَم تُركَبِ

4. Or a pearl in the moment it was extracted
Before it was defiled or pierced

٤. أَو دُرَّةٍ ساعَةَ ما اِستُخرِجَت
لَم تُمتَهَن بَعدُ وَلَم تُثقَبِ

5. Pale yellow in color, radiant in the morning
Golden brown, like gilded

٥. مَشرَبَةَ اللَونِ مُتوعِ الضُحى
صَفراءَ بِالآصالِ كَالمُذهَبِ

6. Who will convey from me to the Imam of guidance
The heir of glory, father from father

٦. مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي إِمامَ الهَدى
الوارِث المَجد أَباً عَن أَبِ

7. When I speak extensively praising him
I am moderate in speech, not excessive

٧. إِنّي إِذا أَطنَبَ مُدّاحَهُ
قَصَدتُ في القَولِ فَلَم أُطنَبِ

8. May Allah release me, if you were not
The most pleasant of our time

٨. لا فَكَّ عَنّي اللَهُ إِن لَم تَكُن
أَذكَرتَنا مِن عُمرَ الطَيبِ

9. And the East longs for you in the morning
Yearning for you to the West

٩. وَأَصبَحَ المَشرِقُ مِن شَوقِهِ
إِلَيكَ قَد حَنَّ إِلى المَغرِبِ

10. Its pulpit exclaiming in ecstasy for you
With ease and welcome

١٠. مِنبَرهُ يَهتِفُ مِن وَجدِهِ
إِلَيكَ بِالسَهلِ وَبِالمِرحَبِ

11. The time which has drawn near delighted it
And before you it was not delighted

١١. أَطرَبَهُ الوَقتُ الَّذي قَد دَنا
وَكانَ مِن قَبلِكَ لَم يَطرَبِ

12. Passion transported it, and if it were only a pulpit
It would have flown to you rapidly like a shooting star

١٢. هَفا بِهِ الوَجدُ فَلَو مِنبَرٌ
طارَ لِوافي خَطفَةَ الكَوكَبِ

13. To the beautiful, majestic face
Not terrifying like the angry forest guardian

١٣. إِلى جَميلِ الوَجهِ ذي هَيبَةٍ
لَيسَت لِحامي الغابَةِ المُغضَبِ

14. The onlooker cannot see
Except a glance, fearful and guilty

١٤. لا يُمكِنُ الناظِر مِن رُؤيَةٍ
إِلّا اِلتِماحَ الخائِفِ المُذنِبِ

15. If you want money, I am a man
Who has not amassed nor earned money

١٥. إِن تُرِدِ المالَ فَإِنّي اِمرِؤٌ
لَم أَجمَعِ المالَ وَلَم أَكسَبِ

16. When you take the truth from me, do not
Seek profit or be greedy

١٦. إِذا أَخَذتُ الحَقَّ مِنّي فَلا
تَلتَمِس الرِبحَ وَلا تَرغَبِ

17. God has been good to both of us
That the capital did not diminish

١٧. قَد أَحسَنَ اللَهُ إِلَينا مَعاً
أَن كانَ رَأسُ المالِ لَم يَذهَبِ