1. I said to him, "You have burdened me beyond my capacity,
As they burdened the judge with responsibilities.
١. فَقُلتُ لَهُ كَلَّفَتني فَوقَ صَنعَتي
كَما قَلَّدوا فَصلَ القَضاءِ يُخامِرا
2. So he became perplexed by the paths of passion,
Battling the sea's tumultuous waves.
٢. فَأَصبَحَ قَد حارَت بِهِ طُرقُ الهَوى
يُكابِدُ لُجِيّاً مِنَ البَحرِ زاخِرا
3. I said, 'If you resigned from this, he said to me,
'I will expose what was concealed from you.'
٣. فَقُلتُ لَو اِستَعفَيتَ مِنها فَقالَ لي
سَأَفضَحُ ما قَد كانَ مِنكَ مُغايِرا
4. So I said to him, 'To carry on so without knowledge
Is to bring scandal upon us.'
٤. فَقُلتُ لَهُ رَأسَ الفُضوحِ إِقامَةً
عَلَينا كَذا مِن غَيرِ عِلمٍ مُكابِرا
5. And your stumbling blindly in the faith of God
Is like a drunk man babbling nonsense.
٥. وَخَبطُكَ في دينِ الإِلَهِ عَلى عَمىً
خِباطَةِ سِكرانِ تَكَلَّمَ سادِرا
6. A fly cannot carry a boulder, nor will
Turtles chase down ships under full sail."
٦. فَلَن تَحمِلَ الصخر الذُبابُ وَلَن تَرى السْ
سلاحِفُ يُزجينَ السَفينَ المَواخِرا