
If you are told of a man free of faults

إذا أخبرت عن رجل بريء

1. If you are told of a man free of faults
Whose outward appearance is sound

١. إِذا أُخبِرتَ عَن رَجُلٍ بَريءٍ
مِنَ الآفاتِ ظاهِرُهُ صَحيحُ

2. Ask them if he is human
For if they say yes, their words are but wind

٢. فَسَلهُم عَنهُ هَل هَوَ آدَمِيٌّ
فَإِن قالوا نَعَم فَالقَولُ ريحُ

3. Yet some are adept at concealing themselves
And with God we are all flawed

٣. وَلَكِن بَعضُها أَهلُ اِستِتارٍ
وَعِندَ اللَهِ أَجمَعُنا جَريحُ

4. And of our Creator's blessings upon us
Is that our sins do not stink

٤. وَمِن إِنعامِ خالِقَنا عَلَينا
بِأَنَّ ذُنوبَنا لَيسَت تَفوحُ

5. Else we would have fled in the morning
Alone in the desert, unable to rest

٥. فَلَو فاحَت لِأَصبَحنا هُروباً
فُرادى بِالفَلا ما نَستَريحُ

6. And every land, however vast
Would be too narrow for the stench of each pretender to righteousness

٦. وَضاقَ بِكُلِّ مُنتَحِلٍ صَلاحاً
لَنَتنِ ذُنوبِهِ البَلدُ الفَسيحُ