1. Abu Hafs and Yahya ibn Malik came to you,
With calamities and afflictions they brought anew,
١. أَتاكَ أَبو حَفصٍ وَيَحيى بنُ مالِكٍ
فَأَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالوَغى وَالمَعامِعِ
2. When men like them testify against you,
Their words strike you like piercing blades of doom,
٢. رَجالٌ إِذا صَبّوا عَلَيكَ شَهادَةً
حَكَت فيكَ وَقعَ المُرهِقاتِ القَواطِعِ
3. I say to you when I saw their faces,
Grieve, for one of the calamities has come to you,
٣. أَقولُ لِديكي إِذ رَأَيتُ وُجوهَهُم
تَعَزَّ فَقَد جاءَتكَ إِحدى الفَجائِعِ
4. He wept and his tears poured forth then,
And said much - how they made my tears flow!
٤. رَثى وَاِستَهَلَّت عِندَ ذاكَ دُموعُهُ
وَقالَ كَثيراً ما أَفاضوا مَدامِعي