1. O light of my eyes that I have lost
Yet found him in my heart
١. يا نورَ عَيني فَقَدتُهُ
وَفي الفُؤادِ وَجَدتُه
2. O planet that they called me
The full moon the day I begot him
٢. يا كَوكَباً لَقَّبوني
بِالبَدرِ يَومَ وَلَدتُه
3. His death did not calm my riding camel
Until it wept, so I buried him
٣. لَم يَهدِ رَكبي سَناهُ
حَتّى خَبا فَلحدتُه
4. O sweetness that seemed good to me
Nothing equals it when I lost it
٤. يا طَيِّباً زافَ عِندي
سِواهُ لَمّا نَقَدتُه
5. The beloved who has rejected me
Unjustly I have rejected him
٥. إِنَّ الحَبيبَ الَّذي قَد
بَغى عَلَيَّ جَحدتُه
6. I could not bear to see him
In my house so I dismissed him
٦. لَم أَحتَمل أَن أَراهُ
بِمَنزِلي فَطَرَدتُه
7. I blamed him, by my Lord
If not for piety I would have destroyed him
٧. أَتهَمتُهُ فَوَرَبّي
لَولا التُقى لَأَقَدتُه
8. How can I bequeath my money
To one who has broken a pact I tied
٨. وَكَيفَ أَورِثُ مالي
مَن حَلّ مَجداً عَقَدتُه
9. He is not my son, one who does not
Love me when I loved him
٩. وَلَيسَ بِاِبني مَن لا
يَوَدُّني إِن وَدَدتُه
10. You are noble but fate refused
What I wanted from you
١٠. أَنتَ النَجيبُ وَلكِن
أَبى الرَدى ما أَرَدتُه
11. The hand of fate has broken a pact
I had tightly tied before
١١. حَلَّت يَدُ الدَهرِ عِقداً
قَد كُنتُ قَبلُ شَدَدتُه
12. You borrowed a connection from me
Then demanded its return
١٢. أَعارَني مِنكَ عِلقاً
ثُمَّ اِقتَضى فَرَدَدتُه
13. But my Lord has pleased me with you
And saddened me so I praised Him
١٣. بَل سَرَّني فيكَ رَبّي
وَساءَني فَحَمِدتُه
14. Today, people fall short
Of the pride in you I have extended
١٤. تَقاصَرَ اليَومَ باعٌ
لِلفَخرِ فيكَ مَدَدتُهُ
15. I stayed up after you, my night
Is long whenever I put it to bed
١٥. سَهِرت بَعدَكَ لَيلي
وَطالَما قَد رَقَدتُه
16. And how often my tears have flowed
Hotly over the gravel, cooling it
١٦. وَكَم نَضَحتُ بِدَمعي
حرَّ الحَشا لَو برَدتُه
17. You are sweet but
You were hostile when I visited you
١٧. العَذبُ أَنتَ وَلكِن
صَدَرتَ حينَ وَرَدتُه
18. Tomorrow, let Bunayy call
When I head towards him
١٨. عَلَّ البُنَيَّ يُنادي
غَداً إِذا ما قَصَدتُه
19. O Lord, fulfill to Al-Mirza
What I promised his son
١٩. يا ربّ وَفِّ المرَزّا
بِوُلدِهِ ما وَعَدتُه
20. So God forgives a sin
I initiated and repeated
٢٠. فَيَغفِرُ اللَهَ ذَنباً
أَبدَأتُهُ وَأَعَدتُه
21. God did not waste my reward
Which delight have I found?
٢١. لا ضَيَّعَ اللَهُ أَجري
فَأَيُّ وَجدٍ وَجَدتُه
22. The day of his death or the
Day of Reckoning I witnessed it
٢٢. أَيَومَ مَصرَعِهِ أَم
يَومَ الحِساب شَهِدتُه
23. He was nine years old but
I counted him among the elders
٢٣. كانَ اِبنَ تِسع وَلكِن
في الأَكثَرينَ عَدَدتُه
24. Had I stoned Thubair
With his reason I would have destroyed him
٢٤. وَلَو رَجمتُ ثبيراً
بِعَقلِهِ لَهَدَدتُه
25. I gained pride in him
But could not attain it through him
٢٥. فتحتُ فِيَّ اِفتِخاراً
بِهِ فَما لي سَدَدتُه
26. He is the sword, woe to me!
Is it in the tomb I have sheathed it?
٢٦. هُوَ الحُسامُ فَوَيلي
أَفي الضَريحِ غَمَدتُه
27. Living is not good, I envy
Him for death that he attained
٢٧. لا حَبَّذا العَيشُ إِنّي
عَلى المَماتِ حَسَدتُه
28. I aspired until he turned away
So which asceticism have I asceticized?
٢٨. رَغِبتُ حَتّى تَوَلّى
فَأَيُّ زُهدٍ زَهَدتُه
29. My diligence did not avail me
For him, so how did I strive for him?
٢٩. لَم يُغنِ عَنّي اِجتِهادي
لَهُ فَكَيفَ اِجتَهَدتُه
30. It would suffice me if I alone
Excelled in good deeds for him
٣٠. حَسبي اِنفِرادي لَوَ اِنّي
في الصالِحاتِ اِنفَرَدتُه
31. The loved ones became lowly to me
Whoever I reconciled, I cut off
٣١. هانَ الأَحِبّاءُ عِندي
فَمَن وَصَلتُ صَدَدتُه
32. Abdul Ghani, my beneficial one
From prosperity what have I benefited?
٣٢. عَبدُ الغنيّ مُفيدي
مِنَ الغِنى ما أَفَدتُه
33. With his auspice I would boldly
Confront lions and repel them
٣٣. بِيُمنِهِ كُنتُ مَهما
نَصَبتُ لِلَّيثِ صِدتُه
34. I planted my hopes in resolute men
But none yielded fruit except him
٣٤. وَما زَرَعتُ رَجائي
في الصَلدِ إِلّا حَصَدتُه
35. O my son who used to build for me
Glory even when I pulled him back
٣٥. يا اِبني الَّذي كانَ يَبني
مَجداً وَإِن كُنتُ شِدتُه
36. You have lowered me the day you climbed
The minaret and ascended it
٣٦. حَطَطتَني يَومَ أَودَي
تَ مِن مُنيفٍ صَعَدته
37. My enduring shirt was ripped
When I leaned over you and folded it
٣٧. قَميصُ مُصطَبِري مِن
قبل عَلَيكَ قَدَدتُه
38. And in your neighborhood I would love
To make my resting place if I spread it out
٣٨. وَفي جِوارِكَ أَحبَب
تُ مَضجَعي لَو مَهَدتُه
39. Perhaps your proximity would heal
My worries as it used to do for me
٣٩. لَعَلَّ قُربَكَ يَشفي
كَربي كَما قَد عَهِدتُه
40. I, by the Lord who has guided me
To His light so I worshiped Him
٤٠. إِنّي وَرَبٍّ هَداني
لِنورِهِ فَعَبَدتُه
41. After you, my bereavement does not
Subside unless I weep and increase it
٤١. ما غاضَ بَعدَكَ ثُكلي
إِلّا بَكَيتُ فَزِدتُه