
Abdel Ghani saw the world and tried it

عبد الغني رأى الدنيا وجربها

1. Abdel Ghani saw the world and tried it
So he said to his soul, beware of its claws

١. عَبد الغنيّ رَأى الدُنيا وَجَرَّبَها
فَقالَ لِلنَّفسِ مِن أَظفارِها نوصي

2. He kept the rights it exhorted
So they vilified him and said, we warn against the likes of him

٢. رَعى الحُقوقَ الَّتي أَوصَتهُ فِهرُ بِها
فَسوّدوهُ وَقالوا مِثلَها نوصي