1. My companion of times, its pillar collapsed
And my middle road fell down
١. زَواكَ دَهري فَفَلَّ رُكني
وَفَلَّ صمصامَتي الصُراطا
2. I bowed my head down to misfortunes
When my posture was erect
٢. طَأطَأتُ لِلحادِثاتِ رَأسي
لَمّا اِستَوَت قامَتي شطاطا
3. O time, you sought me until
You cut off pieces from my heart
٣. طالَبتَني يا زَمانُ حَتّى
قَطَعت مِن قَلبي النِياطا
4. You knocked me about my beloved when
I feasted my eyes on him cheerfully
٤. طَرَقتَني في الحَبيبِ لَمّا
أَقرَرتُ عَيني بِهِ اِغتِباطا
5. I wished he would be like me
If God had protected him for me and fenced him
٥. طَمِعتُ في أَن يَكونَ مِثلي
لَو صانَهُ اللَهُ لي وَحاطا
6. An infant exalted is the Lord
Who guided him in his cradle to the right path
٦. طِفلٌ تَعالى وَجَلَّ رَبٌّ
هَداهُ في مَهدِهِ الصِراطا
7. He purified him while the elder is filthy
Defiles honour and places of rest
٧. طَهَّرَهُ وَالكَبيرُ رِجسٌ
يُدَنِّسُ العرضَ وَالرِياطا
8. Good - if he had lived he would have got my knowledge
And struggled for pilgrimage and devoted himself to God
٨. طابَ فَلَو عاشَ حازَ عِلمي
وَحاوَلَ الحَجَّ وَالرِباطا
9. I collapsed out of agony the day he passed away
And my heights turned into a spread out carpet
٩. طُشتُ من الثكلِ يَومَ أَودى
وَأَصبَحَت ذروَتي بِساطا
10. The slain beloved's spittle mixed with blood
As long as I glittered thinking it would be wiped
١٠. طَلَّ قَتيلُ المنى رُعافٌ
دامَ وَما اِسطَعتُ أَن يُماطا
11. The ophthalmologist's judgment failed
Where then is the proof of his treatment?
١١. طَرفُ المُداوي عَم وَإِلّا
فَأَينَ بُرهانُ ما تَعاطا
12. His doctor - far from me - what do I
Reckon he butchered out of stupidity
١٢. طَبيبهُ لا سَلِمتُ ما لي
أَحسَبهُ يُذبحُ اِشتِحاطا
13. A model of glory, this succumbed to peace
And I knew he had vitality
١٣. طرازُ مَجدٍ هَدا سُكوناً
وَكُنتُ أَدري لَهُ نَشاطا
14. Taha and Ya Seen are my charms
For my heart is wounded because of him
١٤. طه وَياسين عَوِّذاني
فَإِنَّ قَلبي عَلَيهِ شاطا
15. Tears obeyed my eyes because of him
And mixed with blood and intermingled.
١٥. طاعَت لِعَيني الدُموعُ فيهِ
وَاِختَلَطَت بِالدَمِ اِختِلاطا