
The Lord of the Throne, I hope for His pardon

ذو العرش أرجو بعفوه أن

1. The Lord of the Throne, I hope for His pardon
That I may dwell in bliss while you are my neighbor

١. ذو العَرشِ أَرجو بِعَفوِهِ أَن
أَسكُن طوبى وَأَنتَ جاري

2. The comfort of the soul, how can I forget
While your home has parted from mine

٢. ريحانَةَ النَفسِ كَيفَ أَنسى
وَقَد خَلَت مِن سَناكَ داري

3. I hoped for your survival for great things
And God chose you through my constraint

٣. رَجَوتُ بُقياكَ لِلمَعالي
وَاِختارَكَ اللَهُ بِاِضطراري

4. The arrow of fate struck you blind
Thereby the sun of the abodes

٤. رَماكَ سَهمُ الرَدى فَأَصمى
بِهِ شمسُ الدَراري

5. You were rightly guided before the age of ten
And grew in wisdom and dignity

٥. رَشدتَ قَبلَ اِكتِمالِ عَشرٍ
وَاِزدَنت بِالحِلمِ وَالوقارِ

6. Your father remains afflicted with sorrow
Until he meets you in the abode of settlement

٦. رَهينُ حُزنٍ أَبوكَ حَتّى
يَلقاكَ في مَنزِلِ القَرارِ

7. A people eulogized and wept and said
He was succored by the pearls of the seas

٧. رَثى وَبَكّى فَقالَ قَومٌ
أَمَدَّهُ لُؤلُؤُ البِحارِ

8. The youthful east wind wept
Like ambergris musk of virgins

٨. رَثَّ جَديدُ الصِبا وَآضَت
كافورَةً مسكَةُ العذارِ

9. I was ridiculed for my narcissus, my myrtle,
And my jasmine and pomegranate tree

٩. رُزِئتُ في نَرجسي وَآسي
وَياسَميني وَجُلَّناري

10. You indulged me then my soul narrowed,
Oh my garden, how you became my fire

١٠. رَفَّهتَني ثُمَّ سمت نَفسي
يا جَنَّتي كَيفَ صِرت ناري

11. I viewed you as the wine of youth with me
When I was reveling in fruits

١١. رَيّاكَ مِسكُ الشَبابُ عِندي
إِذ كُنتُ مُستَطرِفَ الثِمارِ

12. I swayed and when the harvest came near
I stumbled and my caution did not avail me

١٢. رُقتُ فَلَمّا دَنا قطافٌ
زُلتُ وَلَم يُغنِني حَذاري

13. O Lord, and I have no lord but You
Return my slumberers reduce my loss

١٣. رَبِّ وَما لي سِواكَ رَبٌّ
ردَّ رُقادي أَقل عثاري

14. Return my slumberers and deliver me
I have drowned in copious tears

١٤. ردَّ رُقادي وَنَجِّ إِنّي
غَرِقتُ في الأَدمُعِ الغِزارِ

15. My soul almost melted and disintegrated
So strengthen my resolve with patience

١٥. رقَّت وَكادَت تَذوبُ نَفسي
فَقَوِّ عَزمي بِالاِصطِبارِ