1. The deserts have regained their glory and returned
To the beautiful splendor of olden days,
١. هاضَ الرَدى أَعظُمي وَعادَت
مَحاسِنُ الدَهرِ كَالمَساوي
2. Alas! Time has destroyed
A matchless one.
٢. وَيلاهُ إِنَّ الزَمانَ أَودى
بِواحِدٍ ما لَهُ مُساوِ
3. One I took under my wing as one of a thousand,
Seeking in him a shelter and retreat.
٣. واحِدٍ اِعتَضتُهُ بِأَلفٍ
كُنتُ إِلى الكَهفِ مِنهُ آوي
4. He turned away just when I needed his support
With a heart full of rancor and hatred.
٤. ولّى عَلى حين شَدَّ عضدي
وَهوَ بِقَلبِ الكَظيمِ ثاوِ
5. Today my trust is with my Lord,
A star among the brilliant stars.
٥. وَديعَتي اليَومَ عِندَ رَبّي
نَجمٌ مِنَ النَيِّراتِ هاوِ
6. Would that I had died ere the day they said,
“Your branch, O bough, is withered and sere.”
٦. وَدَدتُ لَو مُتُّ يَومَ قالوا
غُصنُكَ يا فَرعَ فَهرَ ذاوِ
7. By God, still I weep, or try to heal
My grieving heart and its wounds.
٧. وَاللَهِ لا زِلتُ باكِياً أَو
أَشفي قَلبي الَّذي أُداوي
8. I lost strength when my son was taken from me,
Let the tents be folded that I may perish.
٨. وهنت مِما فجِعتُ بِاِبني
وَهنتُ فَليَنتَفِ المُناوي
9. Misfortunes have so buffeted me
That they have changed my constitution.
٩. وَصَرَّفتني الخُطوبُ حَتّى
غَيَّرنَني مِثلَ يا وَواوِ
10. I almost went mad from losing my lion cub;
I was barked at by howling dogs.
١٠. وَكادَ مِمّا أَفقَدتُ شِبلي
يَطُفنَ بي نابِحٌ وَعاوِ
11. God rewarded me well for him
And did not reward me with ingratitude.
١١. وَفّانيَ اللَهُ فيهِ أَجري
وَلا جَزاني جَزاءَ غاوِ
12. Wisdom filled him while still a child,
And the brilliant stars above revered him.
١٢. وَقَّرَهُ الحِلمُ وَهوَ طِفلٌ
وَهابَهُ النَيِّرُ السَماوي
13. I bade him farewell while my eyelids flowed with tears
And sickness had prostrated me.
١٣. وَدَّعتُهُ وَالجُفونُ تَدمي
وَالسقمُ لي ناشِرٌ وَطاوِ
14. How I wished to see him once more
Reciting verse to me from every narrator!
١٤. وَكَم تَمَنَّيتُ أَن أَراهُ
عَلَيَّ يَقرا لِكُلِّ راوِ
15. And composing poetry like my own
So my purpose could be achieved.
١٥. وَيَنظِمُ الشِعرَ مِثلَ نَظمي
فَيَنتَهي غايَتي وَشاوي