1. To what light of auspicious hopes do you set forth,
While the clouds’ rain passes by you as a funeral procession?
١. إِلى أَيِّ ضوءٍ مِن بُروقِ المُنى تَعشو
وَغَيث الصَوادي سارَ منكَ بِهِ نَعشُ
2. Alas, the age has lost its sight, so there is no guidance left,
And the hand of glory is paralyzed, so it has no strength remaining.
٢. أَلا عَمِيَت عَينُ الزَمانِ فَلا هُدى
وَشلَّت يَمينُ المَجدِ مِنكَ فَلا بَطشُ
3. It seems to me now that dawn after you is gloom,
That vegetation is desolation, and company is loneliness.
٣. يَخيّلُ لي أَنَّ الضُّحى بَعدَكَ الدُجى
وَأَنَّ النَدى القَفرُ وَالأنسُ الوحشُ
4. I yearn to ransack your pure, sweet earthly grave -
Perhaps I may find healing, even if such an act is forbidden.
٤. أَهمُّ بِنَبشي قَبركَ الطَيِّب الثَرى
لَعَلّي أَستَشفي وَإِن حُرِّمَ النَبشُ
5. It is as though, when I buried you in that tomb, a bird
Had lost its power of flight, its chicks and its nest.
٥. كَأَنّي وَقَد أَودَعتكَ القَبر طائِرٌ
كَسيرُ جَناحٍ لا فراخَ وَلا عُشُّ
6. My eyes have a place for their tears and their wakefulness;
My side is forbidden pillows and mattresses.
٦. مَحَلٌّ لِعَيني دَمعُها وَسُهادُها
وَحُرمٌ عَلى جَنبي الأسرّةُ وَالفرشُ
7. I console myself, prolonging my voice in elegy,
As Hamza and Warsh prolonged the recital in chanting.
٧. أعَزّى وَصَوتي بِالنَعِيِّ أَمُدُّهُ
كَما مَدّ بالتَحقيقِ حَمزَة أَو وَرشُ
8. The tombs were pleased with your burial place and ceaselessly
Above it is the sorrowful chant for me of dove and finch.
٨. أَراضَت بِمَثواكَ القُبورُ وَلَم يَزَل
عَلَيها لِساجي المزنِ مِن أَجلِهِ خَفشُ
9. The blossoms of suns mourn you with me alternately,
And in their roses are the pouring of tears and the flames of sorrow.
٩. نَعَتكَ مَعي زَهرُ الشُموسِ ثَواكِلاً
وَفي وردها طَلُّ المَدامِعِ وَالخمشُ
10. Black from kohl, red from weeping for you
And the softness of the delights of youth, its prime.
١٠. فَسودٌ مِنَ التَكحيلِ حُمرٌ مِنَ البُكا
عَلَيكَ وَملسٌ مِن نَعيمِ الصبا حَرشُ
11. They distracted me from tryst, perfume, and sweets -
So the yellow flowers did not distinguish the hoopoe's flock.
١١. شغلنَ عَنِ الحمامِ وَالطيبِ وَالحلى
فَما مُيِّزَت مِنهُنَّ عفرُ الفَلا الحمشُ
12. His bashfulness drew back my hand from my burning cheeks.
If it did not scratch me, still it wounded my heart.
١٢. وَرَدَّ يَدي عَن حرِّ وَجهي حَياؤُهُ
فَإِن كانَ لَم يَخدِش فَفي قَلبيَ الخَدشُ
13. Despite your brave father the lion, your hand snatched you
From a hand to which cub and wild ass are equal.
١٣. بِرغمِ أَبيكَ اللَيث بَزّتكَ عَن يَدٍ
يَدٌ يَتَساوى عِندَها الشِبلُ وَالجَحشُ
14. Had a beast but understood the meaning of fate,
The ram would have refrained for our sake from mounting the ewe.
١٤. وَلَو فَهِمت مَعنى الزَمانِ بهيمَةٌ
لَأَعرَضَ خَوفَ النَسلِ عَن شاتِنا الكَبشُ
15. Whoever knows the world awake from its bliss,
And become like me, rising at morning gripped by cares.
١٥. وَمن عَرَفَ الدُنيا صَحا مِن سُرورِهِ
وَأَمسى كَما أَمسَيتُ مِن هَمِّهِ يَنشو
16. What youth does not fade, its freshness withering?
What fuel for passion is the passion not itself fuel for the blaze?
١٦. فَأَيُّ شَبابٍ لا يفلُّ شَباتهُ
وَأَيُّ حَشاً لِلحرِّ بِالحرِّ لا يَحشو
17. My beloved, whose breast does not change
For other than what pleases me, whose secret is not broadcast -
١٧. حَبيبي الَّذي لا صَدرهُ لي يَنطَوي
عَلى غَيرِ ما أَرضى وَلا سرّهُ يَفشو
18. Every loved one fades, except the child who gladdens
Both parents with his love - their sight is dazzled by him.
١٨. وَكُلُّ حَبيبٍ ما خَلا الوَلد الَّذي
تَقرُّ بِهِ العَينان في حُبِّهِ غشُّ
19. You were created noble in happiness and in joy,
And died young, no wickedness or shame attached to you.
١٩. خلقتَ كَريماً في السَناءِ وَفي السنى
وَمتَّ صَغيراً لا فجورٌ وَلا فُحشُ
20. You found good fortune and made an island your own,
Where Ibn Radmir and his allies terrify me with their snakes.
٢٠. حَلَلتَ بِطوبى وَاِحتَلَلتَ جَزيرَةً
يروّعني فيها اِبنُ رَدمير وَاِدفننشُ
21. Serpents writhe between their fangs -
We live between houses of money, were their bites harmless!
٢١. أَفاعي يفاع نَحنُ بَينَ نُيوبِها
رقاها بيوتُ المالِ لَو أمِنَ النَهشُ
22. You were but my madness and my talisman -
When fate bit, when its wrapped goods were opened by the robber.
٢٢. وَما كُنتَ إِلّا جُنّتى وَتَميمَتي
إِذا عَضّت الأَيّامُ أَو عَضَّتِ الرقشُ
23. So death singled you out and drew you away headlong.
They stabbed with guile - though they smiled to my face!
٢٣. فَقَد أفردَت مِنكَ المَنِيَّة وَاِشتَفَّت
عداً طَعَنوا بِالكيدِ مِنهُم وَإِن بَشّوا
24. "There is no power or strength save in God,"
Good words that bear the Throne on high!
٢٤. وَلا حَولَ إِلّا بِالإلهِ وَقُوَّةً
بِهِ مِن كَلامٍ طَيِّبٍ حُمل العَرشِ
25. I am content with the decree of God and your name
Engraved in my heart, fixed there like an inscription.
٢٥. رَضيتُ بِحُكمِ اللَهِ وَاِسمكَ وَالأَسى
ثبوتانِ في قَلبي كَما ثَبَتَ النَقشُ
26. I take pride in belonging to the knightly company
The cavaliers of the world, for whom its embers blaze.
٢٦. وَهُنتُ عَلى أَنّي فَتى الفِئَةِ الَّتي
غَطارفَةُ الدُنيا إِلى نارِهِم تَعشو
27. Noble men, fountains of dew in their palms -
When awash, they think that they are only sprinkling!
٢٧. كرامٌ يَنابيعُ النَدى في أَكُفِّهِم
إِذا غَرِقوا ظَنّوا بِأَنَّهُم رشّوا
28. They shared water freely in his day,
And forgave him when some said, "He has forbidden waste!"
٢٨. تَسَلَّوا بِماءِ الكرمِ أَيّامَ عَصرِهِ
وَعافوهُ لمّا قيلَ حَرَّمَهُ النَشُّ
29. Their freedmen may mount their thoroughbred steeds,
So great is their love of humility that they go on foot!
٢٩. وَقَد تَركَبُ الخَيلَ العِتاقَ عَبيدُهُم
وَيَرضونَ حُبّاً لِلتَواضُعِ أَن يَمشوا
30. The ignorant sees my merits as faults
While the wise man - can his sight not pick out palms in a sandy waste?
٣٠. يَرى حَسَناتي ذو الجَهالَةِ حاسِدي
وذو العِلمَ أَرأى لَيسَ كَالنَخلِ الحَفشُ
31. Your songs, Abd al-Ghani my beloved,
I thirst for them - can one who loves you be sated?
٣١. مَغانيكَ يا عَبدَ الغَنِيَّ حُبَيّبي
بِها عَطَشٌ هَل مَن حباكَ لَها طَشُّ
32. I have made pretending your sickness itself a sickness
That my blood may flow and the swelling subside!
٣٢. جَعَلتُ أُداوي عِلَّتَيك تَعِلَّةً
عَسى الدَمُ يرقا وَالتَوَرُّمَ يَنفَشُّ
33. I asked the doctors of medicine about them,
Even he whose house is at Lucena.
٣٣. سَأَلتُ أَطِبّاءَ المَرِيَّةِ عَنهُما
وَقُرطُبَة حَتّى الَّذي دارهُ أَلشُ
34. Men's eyes were dazzled by your attributes -
As though you were a sun facing them while they blinked!
٣٤. فَحارَت عُيونُ القَومِ فيكَ مِنَ السَنا
كَأَنَّكَ شَمسٌ قابَلتهُم وَهُم عُمشُ
35. Solomon's wisdom in his decree
Before another pleader like me who says "I plead!"
٣٥. وَفهم سُلَيمانٍ لِفَضلِ قَضائِهِ
لَدى نَفش غَيري يَقولُ لَهُ نَفشُ
36. He erred and stumbled when his dove came to him
And the jinn fell silent, awed by his command.
٣٦. خَبا وَنَبا لَمّا أَتاهُ حمامُهُ
فَخَرّ لقىً وَالجِنُّ عَن أَمرِهِ تَعشو
37. I have lost loved ones - so is every gloating enemy
Really confident that what casts down will not overthrow?
٣٧. ثَكلتُ أَحبّائي فَهَل كُلُّ شامِتٍ
عَلى ثِقَةٍ أَن لا يُغَشّى الَّذي غَشّوا
38. I have renounced the world and wander distraught.
Had I consented to endure, I would not have said to them "Endure!"
٣٨. تَزَهّدت في الدُنيا وَتُهتُ عَلى المَلا
فَلَو بِتُّ أطوى لَم أَقُل لَهُما عشّوا
39. At the death of one who waters his money and feeds it,
Whose potion is fraud, whose food is usury -
٣٩. بِمَوتِ الَّذي يسقي وَيُطعِمُ مالَهُ
وَمَن شُربُه وَغلٌ وَمَطعَمُهُ وَرشُ