1. The scent of love is a respite and relief to its people
Though their livers have matured because of its bitterness
١. هَوى الحبِّ ريحانٌ وَرَوحٌ لِأَهلِهِ
وَإِن نَضَجَت أَكبادُهُم بِلَظاهُ
2. Shed my blood truthfully for your love, for
I see not love except in one who makes his brother lawful to him
٢. هَريقوا دَمي في حَقِّ حُبِّكُمُ فَما
أَرى الحبَّ إِلّا أَن يبيحَ أَخاهُ
3. Congratulations on a love in which my blood is held in high esteem
Your pleasure in steadfast passion is its pleasure
٣. هَنيئاً مَريئاً في الهَوى لَكُمُ دَمي
رِضاكُم عَنِ الصَبِّ العَميدِ رِضاهُ
4. You estranged and betrayed one who did not betray you
And you said, “I am weary,” but none is weary save he
٤. هَجَرتُم وَخُنتُم عَهدَ مَن لَم يَخُنكُمُ
وَقُلتُم مَلولٌ وَالمَلولُ سِواهُ
5. You destroyed the edifice of love from us by estranging
And by the likes of you the forbearing pleases his youth
٥. هَدَمتُم بِناءَ الحُبِّ مِنّا بِهَجرِكُم
وَفي مِثلِكُم يرضي الحَليمُ صباهُ
6. God guided my heart to passion and led it astray
And had He willed after error, He would have guided it
٦. هَدى اللَهُ قَلبي لِلهَوى وَأَضَلَّهُ
وَلَو شاءَ مِن بَعدِ الضَلالِ هَداهُ
7. A passion whose excuse is less than my passion, but
The affliction of one who loves is according to his passion
٧. هَوىً عُذرُهُ أَدنى هَوايَ وَإِنَّما
بَلِيَّةُ مَن يَهوى بِقَدرِ هَواهُ
8. Sorrows brought gray hair before its time
And cracked a heart whose clarity cannot be disturbed
٨. هُمومٌ جَلَبنَ الشَيبَ قَبلَ أَوانه
وَصَدَّعنَ قَلباً لا يُغَضُّ صَفاهُ
9. I grew old but my love-madness grew young except that I am
The gallant of love and its graceful elder its youth
٩. هَرِمتُ وَشابَت لِمَّتي غَيرَ أَنَّني
فَتى الحُبِّ وَالشَيخ الظَريف فَتاهُ
10. I defeated armies of patience in the battle of love
And fell short praising it however long I praised it
١٠. هَزَمتُ جُيوشَ الصَبرِ في مَعرَكِ الهَوى
وَقَصَّرتُ في الهَيجاءِ طولَ قَناهُ