1. The tears poured down my cheeks for him
All my sorrows gushed forth
١. لَقَد سَقاني الرُعاف فيهِ
كُلَّ ذُعافٍ مِنَ السِمامِ
2. He died a martyr and a bereaved mother wept
Then I spread my wings despite my agony
٢. ماتَ شَهيداً وَمُتُّ ثكلاً
ثمَّتَ أنشرتُ لِلسّقامِ
3. Whenever his name stirs me, I become
Branches shedding ceaseless tears
٣. مَتى يَهِجني اِسمُهُ يَجِدني
غَصّان بِالأَدمُعِ السِجامِ
4. None said Abd al-Ghani except
I tasted through him the bitterness of sorrow
٤. ما قيلَ عَبدُ الغَنِيِّ إِلّا
ذُقتُ بِهِ غُصَّةَ الحِمامِ
5. His image passed me by at night
Transforming consciousness into a dream
٥. مَرَّ خَيالاً عَلَيَّ لَيلاً
فَبَدَّلَ السُهدَ بِالمَنامِ
6. I imagined him in my thoughts, but who will give me
The sweetness of company and talk?
٦. مَثَّلتهُ في الحَشا فَمَن لي
بِلَذَّةِ الأُنسِ وَالكَلامِ
7. His dwelling is in my heart, though
I am burnt while he is at peace
٧. مَثواهُ في القَلبِ غَيرَ أَنّي
في حُرَقٍ وَهوَ في سَلامِ
8. Who will help me weep for him
And so clear me of all blame?
٨. من مُسعِدي بِالبُكا عَلَيهِ
فَيَقضِيَ الكلَّ مِن ذِمامي
9. My wish, my desire – or else
A life of burning anguish
٩. مَنِيَّتي مُنيَتي وَإِلّا
فَعَيشُ حَرّانَ مُستَهامِ
10. When doves mourn among themselves
I weep and complain along with them
١٠. مِثلي إِذا ما الحَمامُ ناحَت
بَكى وَيَشكو مَعَ الحَمامِ
11. I tried to embrace you in yearning
But embraced only bones
١١. مِلتُ فَعانَقتُكَ اِشتِياقاً
وَلَم أُعانِق سِوى العِظامِ
12. Why did I see that which tore me
And did not die on the spot?
١٢. ما لي رَأَيتُ الَّذي شجاني
مِنكَ وَما مُتُّ في المَقامِ
13. Your cheek remained tearless
Your lips devoid of smiles
١٣. ماقُكَ دامَ بِلا بُكاء
وَالثَغرُ بادٍ بِلا اِبتِسامِ
14. Of the sweetest perfumes you were a tent
And of the noblest, most generous host
١٤. مِن أَطيَبِ الطَيِّبينَ خيماً
كُنتَ وَمِن أَكرَمِ الكِرامِ
15. You rose through the darkness with your
Gleaming glory and nobility
١٥. مِن شُهُبِ المَجدِ وَالمَعالي
بَثَّقتَ مُحلَولِكَ الظَلامِ