
May God have mercy upon you, my solace

صلى عليك الإله رحمى

1. May God have mercy upon you, my solace
The gloomy abyss did not tire out

١. صَلّى عَلَيكَ الإِلهُ رُحمى
ما أَنقَبَ الغَيهَبُ الرَميضُ

2. You were struck, yet my Lord's command was fulfilled
He remedies with justice or awakens

٢. ضُرِبتَ بَل تَمّ أَمرُ رَبّي
يَجبُرُ بِالعَدلِ أَو يَهيضُ

3. It pained you, rather it pained himself, oh my
Beloved, the envious hated one

٣. ضَرَّكَ بَل ضَرَّ نَفسَهُ يا
حُبَيِّبي الحاسِدُ البَغيضُ

4. He blamed you in private and in my presence
I supported you and the matter is evident

٤. ضامَكَ في خِلوَةٍ وَعِندي
ضَمَّكَ وَالأَمرُ مُستَفيضُ

5. He wasted not what was my right in you
And his massive body deceived him

٥. ضَيَّعَ لا كانَ فيكَ حَقّي
وَغَرَّهُ جِسمُهُ العَريضُ

6. It pained you, rather your Lord tested me
By withering your verdant garden

٦. ضَرَّكَ بَل رَبُّكَ اِبتَلاني
بِأَن ذَوى رَوضُكَ الأَريضُ

7. You were bloodied, then it turned into pus
And your complexion and the bright narcissus

٧. ضُرِّجتَ ثُمَّ اِستَحالَ قَيحاً
وَردُكَ وَالنَرجَسُ الغَضيضُ

8. Your sorrowful father lamented what
Befell you and the tears do not cease

٨. ضَجَّ أَبوكَ الكَظيمُ مِمّا
نالَكَ وَالدَمعُ لا يَغيضُ

9. A affliction multiplied his sorrows for every
Healthy person has a sick person

٩. ضاعَفَ أَحزانَهُ بَلاءٌ
كُلُّ صَحيحٍ لَهُ مَريضُ

10. I sketched in his heart passion
That passion that tears and poetry ignite

١٠. ضَرَّمتُ في قَلبِهِ وَهيجاً
يَهيجُهُ الدَمعُ وَالقَريضُ

11. My morning shone until I see you, a night
And my black hair above you is white

١١. ضُحايَ حَتّى أَراكَ لَيلٌ
وَسودُ رَأسي عَلَيكَ بيضُ

12. I missed paths and betrayed a promise
If my lesson did not abundantly flow

١٢. ضَللتُ سُبلاً وَخُنتُ عَهداً
إِن لَم تَبِت عبرَتي تَفيضُ

13. I sheltered loyalty to it freely
To it with its responsibilities I rise

١٣. ضَمَّنتُ مِنّي الوَفاء حُرّاً
لَهُ بِأَعبائِهِ نُهوضُ

14. A weak body, strong determination
Defies the difficulties it trains

١٤. ضَعيفُ جِسمٍ قَوِيُّ عَزم
تَعنو الصِعابُ الّتي يَروضُ

15. Your musk was lost from my poetry
And the veil did not prevent it

١٥. ضاعَ لَكَ المِسكُ مِن قَريضي
وَلَم يَحل دونَهُ الجَريضُ