1. Long have the nights been since you went away,
And narrow the world to me after you.
١. طالَت لَيالِيَّ مُذ تَوَلّى
وَضاقَ بي بَعدَهُ اللِحاظُ
2. My own garden I see turned desolate, when
Once your beauty made it an Eden.
٢. ظَلّي أَرى رَوضَتي ذَوَت إِذ
نُزِّه في حُسنِها اللِحاظُ
3. Death's hand has torn you from me while I cried,
Alas! though wisdom urges resignation.
٣. ظفري يَدُ المَوتِ قَلَّمتَهُ
آهاً وَإِن كانَ لي اِتِّعاظُ
4. My back is burdened; my heart on fire;
Its store a heap of ashes.
٤. ظَهري بِهِ مُنقَضٌ وَقَلبي
مُحَرَّقٌ حَشوُهُ شُواظُ
5. His charm still lives in his father's mansion,
His greeting, his speech, his glance.
٥. ظُرفُ أَبيهِ عَلَيهِ يَبدو
وَاللَفظُ وَالحِفظُ وَالحِفاظُ
6. Time has oppressed me, yet divine justice
I cannot accuse.
٦. ظَلَمتَني يا زَمانُ فيهِ
بَل عدلُ اللَهِ لا أُعاظُ
7. I conquered you; I feared God; between us
Was no rancour.
٧. ظَفرت بي وَاِتَّقَيتُ رَبّي
فَلَم يَكُن بَينَنا مِظاظُ
8. I thirsted when the stream was cut from my hope
By the vicissitudes of a life full of danger.
٨. ظَمِئت إِذ حالَ دونَ وِردي
صرفُ زَمانٍ لَهُ عِظاظُ
9. Death's night-raiders galloped apace
To despoil a herd which the shepherds forsake.
٩. ظُبى المَنايا مغلباتٍ
عَلى ظبىً سَلَّها الكِظاظُ
10. Like a wild goat set upon by lions
On every side, how can prudence save it?
١٠. ظبي كِناسٍ وَلَيثُ غابٍ
سيّان هَل يَنفَعُ اِحتِفاظُ
11. Gloom settled on my affairs because my people
Would not be warned against violence.
١١. ظَلامُ خَطبٍ عَلَيَّ داجٍ
لَم يَجلُهُ قَومي الفِظاظُ
12. But for the glances towards you that drew my eyes
No arrows could have pierced so deep.
١٢. ظَهَرت لكِن رَمَتكَ عَيني
بِأَسهُمٍ ما لَها دِلاظُ
13. I thought I could bear it and hide my secret;
They spoke; and my pent-up passion overflowed.
١٣. ظَنَنتُ نَفسي وَفهر هَلّا
فِظتُ عَلَيهِ أَسىً وَفاظوا
14. See them happy wherever they are,
While I weep until my watchers wake.
١٤. ظَريُهُم خَرَّ حَيثُ شَتّوا
فَقظتُ مِن زَفرَتي وَقاظوا
15. I suffered, my son, till my heart melted,
And harshness itself might relent.
١٥. ظَعنتُ يا اِبني فَذابَ قَلبي
وَرُبَّما رقَّتِ الغِلاظُ