
The days after you are dark

نيرات الأيام بعدك حلك

1. The days after you are dark
And a stranger's life without you perishes

١. نَيِّراتُ الأَيّامِ بَعدَكَ حُلكُ
وَحَياةُ الغَريبِ دونَكَ هُلكُ

2. O crescent, whenever I remember him
Strings of pearls pour from my tears

٢. يا هِلالاً مَتى ذَكَرتُ سناهُ
يَتَناثَر مِن لُؤلُؤِ الدَمعِ سَلكُ

3. The darkness of the grave becomes light with your presence
And its soil becomes musk with the scent of your winds

٣. ظُلمَةُ القَبرِ مِن محيّاكَ نور
وَثَراهُ مِن طيبِ رَيّاهُ مِسكُ

4. These hearts were split though musk was not split open
You return, so return my love with a message

٤. شُقِّقَت هذِهِ القُلوبُ لِمَنعا
كَ وَإِن لَم يُشَقَّ عَنهُنَّ مِسكُ

5. So my tears flow continuously
For my nights I have a lyre and arrows

٥. عُد فَذُد بِالخِطابِ عَنّي خطوبا
لِأَديمي أَديم مِنهُنَّ عَركُ

6. I imagined they were Arabs and Turks
Strangely, I drag my tail in life

٦. لِلَّيالي عِندي قَناً وَنِبالٌ
خيَّلت أَنَّهُنّ عُربٌ وَتُركُ

7. While I am its pawn and possession
As if I am a steed racehorse galloping

٧. عَجَباً لي أَجرُّ في الدَهرِ ذَيلي
وَأَنا في يَدَيهِ رَهنٌ وَمِلكُ

8. While equal to others in the racetrack
My feast day passed and I did not shed blood

٨. فَكَأَنّي صَعبٌ مِنَ الخَيلِ يَختا
لُ وَفي الأَربعِ الرَواكِضِ شَركُ

9. Except from the eyes and tight livelihood
I found no generosity, and at every feast

٩. مَرَّ عيدي فَما سَفَحتُ دَماً إِل
لا مِنَ العَينِ وَالمَعيشَةِ ضَنكُ

10. No blessing included me among the blessed
If death had left us, we would have left

١٠. لَم أَجِد سَخلَةً وَفي كُلِّ عيدٍ
لَم تعرني مَعَ المباركِ بركُ

11. The lion cubs prey in the highlands
The seal of prophets met his death

١١. لَو سِوى المَوت رامَهُ لتَرَكنا
بِالعَوالي فَرائِسَ الأسدِ تَمكو

12. And between worshipers in death is fellowship
Solomon, the day of his death, was not helped

١٢. خاتمُ الأَنبِياءُ أَدرَكَهُ المَو
تُ وَبَينَ العِبادِ في المَوتِ شَركُ

13. By being a prophet and a king
The lion boasts of being a killer

١٣. وَسُلَيمانُ يَومَ مَصرَعِهِ لَم
يُغنِهِ أَنَّهُ نَبِيُّ وَمَلكُ

14. Yet against the stroke of death, it is killed
Whether we took up arms or not

١٤. تَفخَرُ الأسدُ أَنَّها فاتِكاتٌ
وَلِرَيبِ المَنونِ بِالأسدِ فَتكُ

15. In death, taking and leaving are the same
My soul yearns for a happy crescent

١٥. إِن أَخَذنا سِلاحَنا أَو تَرَكنا
فَسواءٌ في المَوتِ أَخذٌ وَتَركُ

16. The full moon decreases as it waxes
And promises hopes to be fulfilled

١٦. لَهفُ نَفسي عَلى هِلالٍ سَعيدٍ
يَنقُصُ البَدرُ وَهُوَ يَنمى وَيَزكو

17. But the hopes' time is false
It did not please me until it waned

١٧. وعدَت بِالتَمامِ فيهِ الأَماني
فَإِذا مَوعِدُ الأَمانِيِّ إِفكُ

18. So the horizons of high ambitions cracked
O my friend, is there an eclipse of the morning sun

١٨. لَم يَرُقني حَتّى بَدا آفِلا فَاِن
فَطَرَت لِلعُلا سَماء وَحُبكُ

19. And at Al-Basita, destruction?
Abdul Ghani, solace of my eye, died

١٩. يا خَليلَيَّ هَل بِشَمسِ الضُحى اليَو
مَ كُسوفٌ وَبِالبَسيطَةُ دَكُّ

20. So the bereavement asked, is there relief from grief?
Abdul Ghani was the basil of the soul

٢٠. ماتَ عَبدُ الغَنيّ قُرَّة عَيني
فَسَلا الثُكلَ هَل لِعانيهِ فَكُّ

21. And grief intensified whenever it grew
And if the pillars of glory became strong

٢١. كانَ عَبد الغنيّ ريحانَة النَف
سِ وَمرَّ الضَنى إِذا اِشتَدَّ نَهكُ

22. Abdul Ghani was its pillar and its basis
An active, beneficial, righteous, and wise man

٢٢. وَإِذا شَيَّدَ بَيت مَجدٍ أَثيل
فَعِمادٌ عَبدُ الغنيّ وَسمكُ

23. His mind a refuge and his mark devoutness
Resembling one whose hands were cut off for his mirror

٢٣. يافِعٌ نافِعٌ زَكيّ ذَكِيٌّ
عَقلُهُ مُعقَلٌ وَسيماهُ نسكُ

24. And the one whose hands cut for cutting sake
I am like Jacob, grieving and sad

٢٤. شِبهُ مَن قُطِّعَت لِمَرآهُ أَيدٍ
وَالَّذي أَعتَدَتهُ لِلقَطعِ مَتكُ

25. So to God, I complain like his complaints
Except I despaired of him, but Jacob

٢٥. وَكأَنّي يَعقوبُ بَثّاً وَحُزناً
فَإِلى اللَهِ مِثل شَكواهُ أَشكو

26. Saw Joseph again and his consequence was kingship
After hardship for eighty years

٢٦. غَيرَ أَنّي يَئِستُ مِنهُ وَيَعقو
بُ رَأى يوسُفاً وَعُقباهُ ملكُ

27. While he cried and yearning burned
Knowing well that five hundred years

٢٧. بَعدَ أَن شاقَهُ ثَمانينَ عاماً
وَهوَ يَبكي وَلَوعَةُ الشَوقِ تَذكو

28. The Chosen One did not remain buried is assured
Only three hundred and five remain of them

٢٨. وَإِذا صَحَّ أَنَّ خمسَ مئٍ ما
يَلبَثُ المُصطَفى دَفيناً فَوَشكُ

29. And there is no doubt about the resurrection
Then we will meet in the resurrection, but how

٢٩. ما البَقايا مِنهُنَّ إِلّا ثَلاثو
نَ وَخمسٌ وَلَيسَ في البَعثِ شَكُّ

30. When there is loss and prevention in between?
Perhaps God will bring me close to you

٣٠. ثُمَّ أَلقاكَ في النُشورِ وَأَنّى
نَتَلاقى وَثَمَّ فَوتٌ وَدَركُ

31. With blessing, while the one who wept now laughs
O martyr of Al-Raaf, how did an Indian sword shine from you

٣١. وَعَسى اللَه أَن يُقَرِّبني مِن
كَ بِطوبى وَذا البَكا ثمّ ضحكُ

32. That has brightness and sharpness?
O martyr of Al-Raaf, be honored through

٣٢. يا قَتيلَ الرّعافِ كَيفَ نَبا مِن
كَ حُسامٌ لَهُ مَضاءٌ وَفَتكُ

33. Blood dripping from your nostril was shed
O martyr of Al-Raaf, I am drowning

٣٣. يا قَتيمَ الرّعافِ أَعزز عَلَينا
بِدَمِ طَلُّهُ مِنَ الأَنفِ سَفكُ

34. In seas no ships have sailed
I was content with little and became full

٣٤. يا قَتيلَ الرّعافِ إِنّي غَريقٌ
في بِحارٍ لَم يَجرِ فيهِنَّ فُلكُ

35. Of tears in which secrets were exposed
An illness which if I recovered from

٣٥. سُجِّرت بِالقَليلِ وَاِمتَلَأَت مِن
عبراتٍ فيهِنَّ لِلسِّرِّ هَتكُ

36. You would be to me like the onlookers, purest musk
Do you think the separation of a mother

٣٦. علَّة لَو أَفَقت مِنها لِسَعدي
كُنتَ مِثلَ النُظار أَصفاهُ سَبكُ

37. Whose habit with your father was betrayal and abandonment
Made you sick? Does she cry when a journey nears?

٣٧. أَترى أَمرَضَتكَ فرقَةُ أُمٍّ
دَأبها في أَبيكَ غَدرٌ وَفَركُ

38. If they ask, “Did he live or die?” they would say
I cry for you with my eyelids full

٣٨. أَتراها تَبكي إِذا آبَ سفرٌ
إِن تَسَلهُم هَل عِشتَ أَم متَّ يَحكوا

39. And if enemies cried for you, they would cry

٣٩. أَنا أَبكي عَلَيكَ مِلءَ جُفوني
وَالأَعادي مَتى بَكيتُكَ يَبكوا