
My son succeeded while I failed the day he turned away

أفلح ابني وخبت يوم تولى

1. My son succeeded while I failed the day he turned away
I wish I knew when my success will come

١. أَفلَحَ اِبني وَخِبتُ يَومَ تَوَلّى
لَيتَ شِعري مَتى يَكونُ فَلاحي

2. Eyes brimmed with tears and they asked
Does this afflicted one have any advice that brings success?

٢. لَجَّتِ العَينُ في الدُموعِ فَقالوا
هَل لِذا المُبتَلى نَصيحٌ فَلاحِ

3. Misery hurt me and enemies took advantage
Of my loss of love and my ruined state

٣. مَسَّني القَرحُ وَاِستَضامَني البَغ
يُ لِفقدانِ بُغيَتي وَاِقتِراحي

4. The only one I had is gone and I remain alone
In recovery but not in time of rest

٤. فاتَني واحِدي فَبَتُّ فَريداً
ذا اِنتَشاء وَلَستُ في وَقتِ راحِ

5. I will seek refuge in the mountains for
Like thread of a tailor my luck has returned to the ground

٥. سَوفَ آوي إِلى الجِبالِ فَإِنّي
مِثل سَمِّ الخِياطِ عادَت بِطاحي

6. Exalted is He who turned the plain into water
And flooded it while nothing else remains

٦. جَلَّ مَن كانَتِ البَسيطَةُ ماء
فَطحاها وَما سِواهُ بِطاحِ