
O Death, after him you left me

يا موت ما أبقيتني

1. O Death, after him you left me
Only my garment remains

١. يا مَوتُ ما أَبقَيتَني
مِن بَعدِهِ إِلّا لِباسي

2. You robbed me of the dress of joy
And made my sorrows my dress

٢. ثَوبُ السُرورِ سَلَبتَني
وَجَعَلتَ أَحزاني لِباسي

3. I tried to hide them but they showed
So I stand disgraced and shamed

٣. فَسَتَرتُها لكِن بَدَت
فَأَنا بِها عارٍ وَكاسي

4. One who forgets death sports
Towards disgrace and shame

٤. نَسي المَنِيَّةِ لاعِبٌ
يَغدو إِلى عارٍ وَكاسِ