1. Grant me your pleasure so I may see it
In the eternal paradise and expanse
١. رِضاكَ هَب لي لِكَي أَراهُ
في جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ وَالمَفازِ
2. The flower of my life, the adornment of my age
You left my refuge like the expanse
٢. زَهرَةَ دُنيايَ حَليَ دَهري
غادَرتَ مَغنايَ كَالمَفازِ
3. I stumbled with my sword without sheath
And my glory's robe without embroidery
٣. زُلتُ فَسَيفي بِلا غِرارٍ
وَثَوبُ مَجدي بِلا طرازِ
4. I excelled as a child so I became pride
And how many elders have retreats
٤. زَكَوت طِفلاً فَكُنت فَخراً
وَكَم كَبيرٍ لَهُ مَخازي
5. I roared a lion though you're a cub
So the lions shuddered in the open country
٥. زَأَرت لَيثاً وَأَنتَ شِبلٌ
فَاِرتاعَت الأُسدُ في البرازِ
6. Death made me renounce life
That finished off Chosroes and the Sassanids
٦. زَهَّدَني في الحَياةِ مَوتٌ
أَودى بِكسرى وَأَبروازِ
7. The love of living was made attractive to man
And death came attacking while it withdrew
٧. زُيِّنَ لِلمَرءِ حُبُّ عَيشٍ
وَالمَوتُ قَد جَدّ وَهوَ هازي
8. Increase my sorrow - your father won't be rewarded
For you nor you for him - farewell!
٨. زدني أَسىً لا أَبوكَ يُجزى
عَنكَ وَلا أَنتَ عَنهُ جازِ
9. His sins burdened him while you were light
So what equals you?
٩. زلّاتُهُ أَثقَلَتهُ ظَهراً
وَأَنتَ خفٌّ فَما يُوازي
10. Visit me in apparition and pass the night by my side
In reality or metaphorically
١٠. زُرني خَيالاً وَبِت ضَجيعي
حَقيقَةً أَو عَلى المَجازِ
11. The ornaments of life are passing
And its shadow shrinks so retreat
١١. زَخارِفُ العَيشِ ذاهِباتٌ
وَظِلّهُ قالِصٌ فَآزِ
12. The earth shook around me with what I have
And the pillars trembled due to my shaking
١٢. زُلزِلَت الأَرضُ بي لِما بي
وَاِهتَزَّتِ الشُمُّ لِاِهتِزازي
13. The pillar of guidance like the star of old
The pillar of leadership like the polestar
١٣. زَندُ الحِجا كَوكَب الدياجي
شبلُ الشَرى شامَة الرِكازِ
14. Ziyad and Amr threaten me
So stand up with your sharp sword!
١٤. زَيدٌ وَعَمرٌو يُهَدِّداني
فَقُم إِلى سَيفِكَ الجُرازِ
15. Repel this and that one from your father and take pride
In the two Iraqs and the Hijaz
١٥. زُع ذا وَذا عَن أَبيكَ وَاِفخَر
عَلى العِراقَينِ وَالحِجازِ