
The grave embraced you, watered by my tears,

ضمك قبر سقاه دمعي

1. The grave embraced you, watered by my tears,
If only it had embraced us both together!

١. ضَمّك قَبرٌ سَقاهُ دَمعي
وَلَيتَهُ ضَمَّنا جَميعا

2. I lived even if I were to die the day you turned away,
So I could be more patient in my affliction.

٢. عِشتُ وَلَو متُّ يَومَ وَلّى
لَأَحسَنَ الصَبرُ بي صَنيعا

3. My lifetime was bound to continue,
So I was not laid low before my time.

٣. عُمرِيَ لابُدَّ مِن مداهُ
فَلَستُ قَبلَ المَدى صَريعا

4. I wondered, in this blow, at those
Who were wounded in their souls, laid waste.

٤. عَجِبتُ في ذا المُصابِ مِمَّن
أُصيبَ في نَفسِهِ فَريعا

5. The great blows of fate are trivial
Except the vows of love and submission.

٥. عَظائِمُ الدَهرِ هَيِّناتٌ
إِلّا نَوى الحبِّ وَالخُضوعا

6. I have enough of fate to content me,
And I do not see it turning me aside.

٦. عِندي مِنَ الدَهرِ ما كَفاني
وَما أَرى صَرفَهُ قَنوعا

7. Servant of the Wealthy One, offer my ransom
With my soul, if I were able.

٧. عَبد الغَنِيِّ اِبنِيَ المُفَدّى
بِالنَفسِ لَو كُنتُ مُستَطيعا

8. This day taught me how to weep
When once I did not shed tears.

٨. عَلَّمتني اليَومَ كَيفَ أَبكي
وَكُنتُ لا أَبذُلُ الدُموعا

9. I excused those I blamed for weeping
Since you made me weep tears and cry aloud.

٩. عَذَرتُ مَن لُمتُ في البُكا مُذ
أَبكَيتَني الدَمع وَالنَجيعا

10. People consoled me, then said:
The lion of valor - what made him so stricken with grief?

١٠. عَزّانِيَ الناسُ ثُمَّ قالوا
لَيثُ الشَرى ما لَهُ جزوعا

11. My meadows have become desolate, and I used to feel
At home in them - how lonesome the meadows have become!

١١. عَفَّت رُبوعي وَكُنت أنسي
فيها فَما أَوحَشَ الرُبوعا

12. Fate has disrupted them since it adorned itself,
And they began lamenting the springtide.

١٢. عَطَّلَها الدَهرُ حينَ حَلّى
فَأَصبَحَت تَندُبُ الرَبيعا

13. Perhaps the Clement Merciful will pardon me
When you have spoken for me.

١٣. عَسى الرَؤوفُ الرَحيمُ يَعفو
عَنّي إِذا كُنت لي شَفيعا

14. My salutations to you - how often does this
Absent one remember to return?

١٤. عَلَيكَ مِنّي السَلامُ كَم ذا ال
مَغيبُ هَل تَذكُرُ الرُجوعا

15. Come back, and ask God to take my soul
And bring about our reunion swiftly!

١٥. عُد وَاِسأَل اللَهَ قَبضَ روحي
لِيَجعَلَ المُلتَقى سَريعا