1. My sorrows are not lightened, though long concealed,
Nor is my mind ever free from thoughts of you.
١. لا جَلا أَحزاني الجَلدُ
لا خَلا مِن ذِكرِكَ الخَلدُ
2. My eyes know no rest in slumber,
For sorrow and eternity abide there.
٢. لا هَنى عَينَيَّ نَومُهُما
وَهناكَ الحُزنُ وَالخُلُدُ
3. My companions stay up through the night, but find not
The solace that I find.
٣. باتَ صَحبي يَسهَرونَ وَلَم
يَجِدوا الوَجدَ الَّذي أَجِدُ
4. My eyes kept them awake -
If my tears were to flow, they would slumber.
٤. وَأَنا أَسهَرتُ أَعيُنهُم
إِنّ دَمعي لَو رَقا رَقَدوا
5. When they said, "Your strength has waned,"
I said, "My tears for him will flow forever."
٥. قُلتُ إِذ قالوا تَعَزَّ أَما
لِلبُكا مِن بَعدِهِ أَمَدُ
6. My tears for him are an ocean of blood,
That refuses to dry up for eternity.
٦. مَدَّ دَمعي فيهِ بَحرُ دَمي
فَأَبى أَن يَنفَدَ الأَبَدُ
7. I weep while anguish remains
In my heart and bowels as before.
٧. أَنا أَبكي وَالغَليلُ كَما
كانَ في الأَحشاءِ وَالكَمَدُ
8. Whenever I try to forget sorrow,
Time reopens the wound - such is its nature.
٨. كُلَّما رُمتُ الأَسى نَكَأ ال
قَرحَ دَهرٌ دَأبُهُ النَكَدُ
9. Today grief bared its claws,
So let sorrow's lion roar.
٩. عُرّي اليَومَ العَرينُ مِنَ الش
شبلِ فَليُبدِ الأَسى الأَسَدُ
10. Drowned in tears, in exile -
He has neither money nor child.
١٠. مغتَوٍ بِالدَمعِ مُغتَرِبٌ
ما لَهُ مالٌ وَلا وَلَدُ
11. The nomads came to a land
Whose garment was worn by time.
١١. عَثَتِ الأَعرابُ في بَلَدٍ
فَاِكتَسى ثَوبَ البِلى البَلَدُ
12. Flash, O lightning of clouds, for it
Has what my eyelids lack.
١٢. اِحدُ يا بَرقَ السَحابِ لَهُ
مِن جُفوني ما رَسا أَحُدُ
13. Abdul Ghani had riches
Until envy took notice.
١٣. كانَ في عَبدِ الغِنيّ غِنىً
عَنهُ حَتّى حَسَّهُ الحَسَدُ
14. Eyes tempted me toward him
And arms grew strong against him.
١٤. طَرَقَتني العَينُ فيهِ وَقَد
عاصَ وَاِشتَدَّت بِهِ العَضُدُ
15. The common folk left me;
No rebel has power over them.
١٥. وَتَرَتنيهِ شَعوبُ وَما
لِغَوِيٍّ عِندَها قَوَدُ
16. One who wards off not death
From himself - Time's claws prevail over him.
١٦. دارِعٌ لا المَوتَ يَدرَأُ عَن
نَفسِهِ أَزرى بِهِ الزَرَدُ
17. After annihilation protects us,
We are for annihilation - we last not.
١٧. بَعدَ أَن يحمى الفناءُ بِنا
لِفَناءٍ نَحنُ لا فَنَدُ
18. A builder whose pigeons
Nested in a structure he designed.
١٨. رُبَّ بانٍ وَالحِمامُ لَهُ
في بِناءٍ رَصَّهُ رَصَدُ
19. Alas! He who loved me, and he
Whom my people loved in return.
١٩. آه أَودى مَن أَوَدُّ وَمَن
قامَ في قَومي بِهِ الأَوَدُ
20. They likened him to war - what a war!
They slept not, though they had ignited.
٢٠. شَبَّهُم حَرباً فَوا حَربا
ما لَهُم ناخوا وَقَد وَقَدوا
21. They found him, and luck helped him,
Then it betrayed them, and they lost him.
٢١. وَجَدوهُ وَالسُعودُ تَقي
ثُمَّ خانَتهُم فَقَد فَقَدوا
22. A pearl adorned with splendor -
A connoisseur of pearls appraising.
٢٢. دُرَّةً يُزهى بِرَونقِها
مُنتَقٍ لِلدُرِّ مُنتَقِدُ
23. He filled the eye of Time with rays
And purity - prisons were his fate.
٢٣. مَلَأَت عَينَ الزَمانِ سَنىً
وَصَفا مِنها لَهُ الصَفَدُ
24. Had my son's life lasted longer
None would have surpassed his limit.
٢٤. لَو تَمادَت مُدَّةُ اِبنِيَ لَم
يَتَجاوَز حَدَّهُ أَحَدُ
25. As a child, had he fought hundreds,
Their number would not have wearied him.
٢٥. كانَ طِفلاً لَو غَزا مائَةً
لَم يَهُلهُ لِلعِدا عَدَدُ
26. He soared to the heights and attained them
On wings of integrity when mature.
٢٦. طارَ لِلعَليا فَأَدرَكَها
بِجَناحٍ راشَهُ الرَشَدُ
27. He built glorious, righteous works -
Pillars were his deeds.
٢٧. وَاِبتَنى المَجدَ المُؤَثَّلَ وَال
عَمَلَ الزاكي لَهُ العُمُدُ
28. O falcon of death, you descended on
My heels, undoing the knots.
٢٨. يا عُقاب المَوتِ حُمت عَلى
عَقِبي فَاِنحَلَّتِ العُقَدُ
29. You snatched the son of Labaah, though
Neither talons nor forelegs protected him.
٢٩. اِختَطَفتِ اِبنَ اللَباةِ وَلَم
تَحمِهِ الأَظفارُ وَاللِبَدُ
30. My star faded - now here am I
With no ray to guide me, no pillar for aid.
٣٠. وَخَبا نَجمي فَها أَنا ذا
لا سَنىً يهدي وَلا سَنَدُ
31. A man's son is his liver - if
He falls, the man is left with no liver.
٣١. كَبِدُ المَرءِ اِبنُهُ فَإِذا
كُبَّ أَمسى ما لهُ كَبِدُ
32. One tires of all loved ones
Except what a man sires or bears.
٣٢. كُلُّ مَحبوبٍ يُمَلُّ سِوى
ما يَلي الإِنسانُ أَو يَلِدُ
33. Sons are but the number
Of fathers and counts.
٣٣. إِنَّما الأَبناءُ إِن نَجُبوا
عدد الآباءِ وَالعدَدُ
34. If a youth is a successor,
The jewels of his ancestors are renewed.
٣٤. وَإِذا كانَ الفَتى خَلفاً
فَحُلى أَجدادِهِ جُدُدُ
35. Does the soul that grieves for you
Return, O perished companion - when?
٣٥. نَفَسَ الباكي عَلَيكَ تُرى
يا حَيا الصادي مَتى نَرِدُ
36. Be tomorrow the light of the wretched,
When the lights of the lofty are successful.
٣٦. كُن غَداً نورَ الشَقِيِّ إِذا
ما سَعى نورُ الألى سَعِدوا
37. There is a tradition of the Prophet
Foretelling what he promises.
٣٧. وَحَديثٍ لِلنَبِيِّ يَعي
فيهِ بُشراهُ بِما يَعِدُ
38. Perhaps the Chosen One will remember him -
Visiting the bereaved when he comes.
٣٨. وَعَسى المُختارُ يَذكُرهُ
فَيَقي المَحزونَ إِذ يَفِدُ
39. I have no means to live, now that
Death's hand has ruled over you.
٣٩. لا يَد لي كَيفَ عِشتُ وَقَد
حَكَمَت لِلمَوتِ فيكَ يَدُ
40. Let one who cries for loved ones when distant
Die of love when they are distant.
٤٠. مَن بَكى الأَحبابَ إِذ بَعُدوا
فَليَمُت وَجداً إِذا بَعُدوا
41. Since news of your death reached me
Deafness persists until the Eternal guides.
٤١. كانَ مُذ قامَت نُعاتُكَ بي
صَمَم حَتّى هَدى الصَمدُ