
God has estranged for a time me from you

لحا الله دهرا حال بيني وبينكم

1. God has estranged for a time me from you
And forbidden the union of love, though 'tis lawful

١. لَحا اللَهُ دَهراً حالَ بَيني وَبَينَكُم
وَحَرَّمَ وَصلَ الحُبِّ وَهوَ مُحَلَّلُ

2. The cure of my soul is with you
And healing from sickness if only the sick were made whole

٢. لباناتُ نَفسي عِندَكُم وَشِفاؤُها
مِنَ السقمِ لَو أَنَّ السَّقيمِ يُعَلَّلُ

3. I wore sadness until my appearance was changed
Unlike my appearance, and love changes not

٣. لَبِستُ الضَنى حَتّى تَبَدَّلت صورَةً
سِوى صورَتي وَالحُبُّ لا يَتَبَدَّلُ

4. Perhaps the nights and misfortunes will reconcile us
As they have judged between us unjustly, they may yet make right

٤. لَعَلَّ اللَيالي وَالحَوادِث خَصمُنا
كَما حَكَمَت فينا بِجَورٍ سَتَعدلُ

5. Indeed I have wearied of passion, then of resolve
Yet I have no fault, though I make myself appear graceful

٥. لَقَد ضِقتُ ذرعاً بِالهَوى ثُمَّ بِالنَوى
وَلا ذَنبَ لي لكِنَّني أَتَجَمَّلُ

6. The lips of the beloved or rose of his cheek
Are the extent of my hopes, if what I wish would be fulfilled

٦. لَمى شَفَةِ المَحبوبِ أَو وَردُ خَدِّهِ
مَدى أَمَلى لَو تَمَّ لي ما أَؤمّلُ

7. By my life, if I kissed him, how I desire
I would give him my world if only he would accept

٧. لَعَمري لَو قَبّلتُهُ كَيفَ أَشتَهي
لأَعطَيتهُ دُنيايَ لَو كانَ يَقبَلُ

8. I would revel with him in the joy of the wine cup
Turning from sealing the wine and withdrawing

٨. لَهَوتُ بِهِ لَهوَ التَريف بِكَأسِهِ
يُوَلّي بِتَوقيعِ المدامِ وَيَعزِلُ

9. My tongue is sweet and it is sweeter still if only
It articulates the harmony and tastes the draft

٩. لِسانيَ حُلوٌ وَهوَ أَحلى لَوَ اِنَّهُ
يعلُّ بِسِلسالِ الرُضابِ وَيَنهَلُ

10. Woe to me, if I do not receive from you a glance,
Repeated, by which I may live when I am killed

١٠. ليَ الويحُ إِن لَم أَحظَ مِنكَ بِنَظرَةٍ
مُعاوِدَةٍ أَحيا بِها حينَ أقتلُ