
I'm amazed at how the days have changed

عجبت من الأيام كيف تقلبت

1. I'm amazed at how the days have changed
Separating us as if we were never together

١. عَجِبتُ مِنَ الأَيّامِ كَيفَ تَقَلَّبَت
بِنا فَتَفَرَّقنا كَأَن لَم نُجَمَّعِ

2. Scattered tears like the sorrow has scattered
Pillows wet with tears from my broken heart

٢. عَباديدُ شَتّى مِثلَ ما نَثَرَ الأَسى
فَرائِد مِن دَمعِ الفُؤادِ المُفَجَّعِ

3. My enemies, if you don't fulfill your promises
My anguish for you will heal though my hopes are dashed

٣. عِدوني فَإِن لَم تُنجِزوا رُبَّ مَوعِدٍ
شَفا غُلَّتي مِنكُم وَإِن خابَ مَطمَعي

4. I vow to time that we'll never be seen
Scattered and separated, a broken whole

٤. عَلى الدَهرُ أَيمان بأن لا يُرى لَنا
شَتاتٌ وَأبعادٌ لِجَمع مُلَمَّعِ

5. Perhaps an apparition will make me forget
The longing in my heart for the departed beloved

٥. عَسى الطَيف أَن يَزدارَني فَأَبثّهُ
سَرائِرَ شَوقٍ لِلحَبيبِ المُوَدّعِ

6. I knew love to be sweet but when I drank it
I tasted in it the bitterness of the suffering

٦. عَهِدتُ الهَوى حُلواً فَلَمّا شَرِبتُهُ
تَجَرَّعتُ مِنهُ غُصَّة المُتجَرِّعِ

7. The evenings of ardour's days, life was generous to you
You were the basil of lovers, so come back

٧. عَشِيّات أَيّام الحِمى جادَكَ الحَيا
لَقَد كُنت ريحانَ المُحِبّينَ فَاِرجِعي

8. Your fragrance is musk, saffron in our noses
Yearning for your perfumed embrace

٨. عَذارُك مِسكٌ أَذفرٌ في أُنوفنا
فَشَوقاً إِلى مَشمومك المُتَضَوِّعِ

9. Love's pillar, healing its sickness
Send its blossoms to us, let us delight

٩. عَميدُ الهَوى يُشفى بِهِ من سقامه
فَأهدِ إِلَينا نَشرهُ نَتَمَتَّعِ

10. May God forgive the days if they reunite us
And cleave each broken heart

١٠. عَفا اللَهُ عَن ذا الدَهر إِن رَدَّ شَملنا
وَشَعَّبَ مِنّا كُلَّ قَلبٍ مُصَدَّعِ