
My memories of Valencia took the place of my healer

قامت لأسقامي مقام طبيبها

1. My memories of Valencia took the place of my healer
The memory of its learned men and the memory of its literati

١. قامت لأسقامِي مقامَ طبيبها
ذِكْرَى بَلَنْسِيَةٍ وذكرُ أَدِيبها

2. You told me of it and so healed my burning longing
I spent my night consumed by its flames

٢. حدّثتَني فشفَيتَ منِّي لَوْعةً
أَمْسَيتُ مُحترق الحشا بلَهيبها

3. I still remember it but you increased
My memories - and the soul finds comfort in the memory of its beloved

٣. مَا زلت أَذكره ولكن زدتَنِي
ذكراً وحسبُ النفس ذكرُ حبيبها

4. I yearn for Valencia though the cause of this yearning
Is only Abu Abbas, its unique stranger

٤. أهْوَى بلنسيةً وما سببُ الهوى
إلّا أبو العبّاس أُنس غريبها

5. The breeze blows but the breeze is not fragrant
Until it is imbued with its scent, and with hers

٥. هبّ النسيم وما النسيمُ بطيِّب
حتّى يشاب بطيبه وبطيبها

6. My helpful brother against the enemy with a sword
Fully adorned with the sharpness of its orator

٦. أَأَخي المعين على العدوّ بِمسلقٍ
أزرَى بوائل في ذكاء خطيبها

7. When chaos rose up, were it not for his victory
Its lion would not be distinguished from its wolf

٧. إِذ قامت الهيجا ولولا نصرُه
ما كان يعرف ليثُها من ذيبها

8. Zeal overcame roar in an act of protectiveness
And the sun's glow darkened before its setting

٨. غلَب العواءُ على الزئير حميّةً
وخبَا ضياء الشَّمس قبلَ مغيبها

9. So Ahmad persisted in debating the enemies
With proof to affirm me and deny them

٩. فأَقام أحمدُ في مجادلة العِدَى
بُرْهَانَ تصديقِي على تكذيبها

10. Until the superior was distinguished from the inferior
And the mistaken critic submitted to the correct one

١٠. حتّى تبَيَّن فاضلٌ من ناقصٍ
واِنقادَ مخطِئ حجّةٍ لمُصيبها