1. The highlands are easy to ascend compared to your loftiness
And you are the star while your palm is the square
١. سهلُ الأباطحِ من عُلاكَ يَفَاعُ
والنَّجمُ أنتَ وكفَّكَ المِرباعُ
2. Rather, you are a sun that remains without end
With splendor spanning all horizons because of you
٢. بل أنتَ شَمسٌ لا تزالُ ولم يَزَلْ
في سائرِ الآفاق منكَ شُعاعُ
3. Whoever's love differs across all people
Abu Al-Mutarrif's love for you is consensus
٣. مَن يختلف كلّ الورى في حُبِّهِ
فَأبو المطرّف حبُّه إِجماعُ
4. The intellects of both worlds have witnessed your superiority
Enemies and followers are equal
٤. شَهِدَتْ عُقولُ العالَمينَ بفضْلِهِ
فسواءٌ الأعداءُ والأشياعُ
5. The lamp of Malaga they wished to extinguish
A people wishing to rise though they are lowly
٥. مِصبَاحُ مَالقَةٍ أرادَ خُمودَه
قَومٌ ليرتَفِعوا وهم أَوْضاعُ
6. So the year did not complete with his isolation there
Until his hand was high and his sale was long
٦. فالعامُ لم يَكمل لعزلَتِهِ بها
حتَّى علَتْ يَدهُ وطالَ الباعُ
7. Look at him today, how the turning of time has struck him
With no defense against it
٧. اِنْظُر إليهِ اليَّومَ كيفَ أصابَهُ
صرفُ الزَّمانِ وليسَ عَنه دِفاعُ
8. Were it not for his wronging you and injustice
He would be tomorrow your hand and forearm
٨. لولا إِساءَتُهُ إليكَ وظلمُه
لغَدا وأنتَ له يَدٌ وذِرَاعُ
9. Between Ibn Hassoun and Shuaibi of guidance
From the teat of pure brotherhood they suckled
٩. بينَ اِبن حسُّونٍ وشَعبِيِّ الهُدى
مِن ثدْيِ خالِصَةِ الإِخَاءِ رَضاعُ
10. Oh how majestic they both are and how alike one to the other
Beautiful faces and natures from them both
١٠. يا مَا أَجَلَّهُمَا وأَشْبَهَ ذا بِذا
حسُنَتْ وجُوهٌ منهما وطِباعُ
11. How good is the world with their beauty which
Eyes and ears enjoy and are delighted by
١١. ما أَحْسَنَ الدُّنيا بحُسنِهما الّذي
تلتذُّه الأبصارُ والأَسماعُ
12. Created to champion the faith and generosity that
Makes plains blossom and hills green
١٢. خُلِقَا لنَصْرِ الدِّين والكَرَم الّذي
تَخْضَرُّ منه بَسِيطةٌ وتِلاعُ
13. Like two well-groomed warriors in the wilderness
Where gazelles spring up and both are cutters
١٣. كمهَنَّديْنِ مُجَرَّدْينِ بريَّةٍ
تَنْبُو الظُّبَى وكِلاهما قَطَّاعُ