
My survival after you has wearied me

أتعبني بعدك البقاء

1. My survival after you has wearied me
And in my death is loyalty to you

١. أَتعَبَني بَعدَكَ البَقاء
وَفي وَفاتي لَكَ الوَفاءُ

2. I implored the consoler to be graceful
That patience and condolence may be perfect

٢. أَودَيت فَاِستَفتَح المُعَزّي
أَن يحسنَ الصَبرُ وَالعَزاءُ

3. The most serious misfortune is parting from a beloved
It was the remedy for my sickness

٣. أَجَلُّ خَطبٍ فِراقُ حِبٍّ
كانَ لِسقمي هُوَ الشفاءُ

4. An age darkened, from which it illuminated
Is there light after its darkness?

٤. أَظلَمَ دَهرٌ أَنارَ مِنهُ
هَل بَعدَ إِظلامِهِ ضِياءُ

5. Jumada has frozen our tears
Alas, tears are blood

٥. أَجمَدَ أَمواهنا جُمادى
أَلا دُموعاً هِيَ الدِماءُ

6. I would have wept torrents for you if I were clouds
My waters would have poured upon you

٦. بَكى وَلَو أَنَّني صَفاةٌ
لَفاضَ مِنّي عَلَيكَ ماءُ

7. Were you not my heart and my innermost self?
Destiny has struck them both

٧. أَلَستَ قَلبي وَخِلبَ كَبدي
أَصابَني فيهِما القَضاءُ

8. Praise be to God, I do not object
Whatever God wills is justice

٨. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ لا اِعتِراضٌ
عَدلٌ مِنَ اللَهِ ما يَشاءُ

I was fulfilling the covenants of love

٩. أَذِمَّة الحُبِّ كُنتُ أَقضي
لَو أَنَّ نَفسي لَكَ الفِداءُ

10. If only my soul was ransom for you

١٠. آهاً عَلى مَن رَجَوتُ سَعدي
بِهِ وَلكِن أَبى الشَقاءُ

11. Alas for whom I hoped for my happiness
But misfortune refused

١١. آفَةُ أَموالِنا الرَزايا
وَآفَةُ العالمِ الفَناءُ

The bane of our wealth is calamities

١٢. آدَمُ في المَوتِ وَهوَ بكرٌ
وَكُلُّ أَبنائِهِ سَواءُ

13. And the bane of the world is oblivion

١٣. أَيُّ هِلالٍ أَنارَ لَيلي
كانَ السَنى فيهِ وَالسَناءُ

14. Adam died though he was first
And all his children are equal in death

١٤. أَيُّ رَبيعٍ وَشى حَياتي
كانَ الحَيا فيهِ وَالحَياءُ