
I gained closeness to you until when

ظفرت بقرب منك حتى إذا صفت

1. I gained closeness to you until when
My life was fulfilled and my fortunes brought me near to you

١. ظَفرتُ بِقُربٍ مِنك حَتّى إِذا صَفَت
حَياتي وَأَدنَتني إِلَيك حُظوظُ

2. I became infatuated and my heart in your hands a deposit
So are you for deposits a protector?

٢. ظَعنتُ وَقَلبي في يَدَيك وَديعَة
فَهَل أَنت لِلمُستَودَعاتِ حَفوظُ

3. My heart darkened - how it became without it
While you are my heart - indeed, this angers me

٣. ظَلَمت فُؤادي كَيفَ أَصبَحتُ دونَهُ
وَأَنت فُؤادي إِنّ ذا لِيَغيظُ

4. I thirsted and water does not quench my thirst
I yearn as if for sighing I were awake

٤. ظَمِئتُ وَما يَشفي لي الماءُ غلَّةً
وأشوى كَأَنّي لِلزَّفيرِ أَقيظُ

5. The shadows of passion returned hot so I remained in
The poisons of longing, I almost because of it perished

٥. ظِلالُ الهَوى عادَت حَروراً فَظَلتُ في
سُموم اِشتِياقٍ كِدتُ مِنهُ أَفيظُ

6. I thought that fate would remain peaceful
Alas, the war of misfortunes is rugged

٦. ظَنَنتُ بِأَنَّ الدَهرَ يَبقى مُسالِماً
وَهَيهاتَ حَربُ النائِباتِ كَظوظُ

7. The ghosts of passion, estrangement, disdain, and enmity
And the jealous, the hostile - over me a guard

٧. ظُباتُ الهَوى وَالهَجر وَالعَذل وَالنَوى
وَواشٍ وَغَيران عَلَيَّ حَفيظُ

8. Darkness upon the dawn and a branch upon delicacy
There, passion struts about and capers

٨. ظَلامٌ عَلى صُبح وَغُصنٌ عَلى نَقاً
هُنالِكَ يَختالُ الهَوى وَيَجوظُ

9. For my life, the passionate are gentle and yet
Only the hard of heart blame them

٩. ظِرافٌ لَعَمري العاشِقونَ وَإِنَّما
يَلومُهُمُ قاسي الفُؤادِ غَليظُ

10. I appeared over the envious in merit - I am indeed
The quintessence while all the envious are despicable

١٠. ظَهَرتُ عَلى الحُسّادِ في الفَضلِ إِنَّني
صَميمٌ وَكُلُّ الحاسِدينَ وَشيظُ