1. Longing once captivated me, so it took me prisoner again
A blackness appeared amid redness and whiteness
١. ضَنىً كانَ أَبداهُ الهَوى فَأَعادَهُ
سَوادٌ بَدا في حمرَةٍ وَبَياضِ
2. Laughing flowers and narcissus eyes
Beckoned to me with glances, to my sickness
٢. ضَواحِكُ أَزهارٍ وَأَعيُنُ نَرجِسٍ
أَشارَت بِأَلحاظٍ إِلَيَّ مِراضِ
3. The cheek of dawn returns violet
When a lover inhales its fragrance ardently
٣. ضحى وَرد خَدَّيهِ يَعودُ بَنَفسجا
إِذا ما اِجتَناهُ عاشِقٌ بِعضاضِ
4. Lay down your sword, and kill my passion with rocks
Whether a sickness or something else, no longer a sickness
٤. ضَعِ السَيفَ وَاِقتُل مُهجَتي بِمَحاجِرٍ
مراضٍ وَإِن تَختَر فَغَير مِراضِ
5. You have struck with it every heart you have captivated
So how many are slain who were lions of the thicket
٥. ضَرَبتَ بِها في كُلِّ قَلبٍ أَسَرتَهُ
فَكَم مِن قَتيلٍ وَهوَ لَيثُ غِياضِ
6. The misguidance of my heart, though it is guidance to me
My eyes abstain, yet flirtation is my meadow
٦. ضَلالَةُ قَلبي وَهوَ عِندي هِدايَةٌ
تَنَزّهُ طَرفي وَالمِلاحُ رِياضي
7. I have vowed I will not question love
And I have appointed it to decide what it desires
٧. ضَمِنتُ بِأَنّي لَستُ أَسلو عَنِ الهَوى
وَحَكَّمتُهُ فَليَقضِ ما هُوَ قاضِ
8. I have blamed my patience, and found fault with my passion
Are you pleased with the deeds of the lovesick one?
٨. ضننتُ بِسُلواني وَجُدتُ بِمُهجَتي
فَهَل أَنتَ عَن فِعلِ المُتَيَّمِ راضِ
9. My ribs ache from the fire of fervor
But I am one firm of will, uncomplaining
٩. ضُلوعي عَلى نارٍ مِنَ الوَجدِ تَنحَني
وَلكِنَّني جَلدُ القُوى مُتَغاضِ
10. In this time there are grudges against the youth
So the future holds both their calamities and the past's
١٠. ضَغائِنُ في هذا الزَمانِ عَلى الفَتى
فَمُستَقبلٌ مِن خَطبِهِنَّ وَماضِ