1. My heart and the fresh news are both aging,
From this fresh news I'm finding you the star of guidance,
١. فُؤادي وفودُ الحَدَث
يَشيبانِ مِن ذا الحَدَث
2. And the star of separation in the burial ground.
My time which, when summer arrived, urged
٢. أجدّك نَجمُ الهُدى
وَنَجمُ الجَدا في الجَدَث
3. And aimed for my branches which had thrived
In high ideals and produced fruit.
٣. رَماني زَماني الَّذي
إِذا طَلَبَ الحرَّ حَثّ
4. Like Joseph but I am like Jacob in sadness and spreading [news],
He earned glory in his youth except what he inherited,
٤. فَأَقصَدَ فَرعي وَقَد
زَكا في المَعالي وَأَث
5. And he swore - no elderly person broke his oath.
I was that one whose pregnancy folded,
٥. كَيوسُفَ لكِنَّني
كَيَعقوبَ حُزناً وَبَث
6. Like a full moon and sun together,
And he was a crescent third [of the month].
٦. تَكَسَّبَ مَجداً عَلى
صِباهُ سِوى ما وَرِث
7. Until a separation occurred, and I did not care or was troubled,
Towards news my love leaned,
٧. وَأَقسَمَ لا فاتَهُ
كَبيرٌ فَما إِن حَنَث
8. And the talk of news turned old.
May every backbiter and slanderer perish,
٨. وَكُنتُ وَتِلكَ الَّتي
وَهى حَبلُها فَاِنتَكَث
9. For every babbler and fraud.
Virtue upon our time, yet how much new [news] did it inherit?
٩. كَبَدرٍ وَشَمسٍ مَعاً
وَكانَ هِلالاً ثَلث
10. Do I feel safe after the intention of a beloved or after seriousness turned to vain play?
Perhaps whoever fulfills the pilgrimage and finishes the ritual,
١٠. إِلى أَن جَرَت فُرقَةٌ
فَلَم أَكتَرِث وَاِكتَرَث
11. Will supply me with a prayer in Mecca where there is no nonsense,
It will relieve a weeping one, so which land was not flooded [with tears]?
١١. إِلى الحَدثِ مالَت هَوىً
وَمَلَّت حَديثَ الجَدَث
12. And if his tears were not blood, it would have sufficed from a plow.
It saddened the lion, crying for its son,
١٢. عَنا كُلُّ غِرٍّ خَنٍ
لِكُلِّ غَريرٍ خَنَث
13. And made a dog pant.
It gathered people when the absent one was announced,
١٣. عَفاءً عَلى دَهرِنا
فَكَم مِن جديدٍ أَرَث
14. So say which poison did it blow?
Lo, a heart was delighted
١٤. أَمِن بَعدِ قُربِ نَوىً
أَمِن بَعدِ جِدٍّ عَبث
15. For the servant of the Rich [God] so it came to life,
And how much imagination pained him,
١٥. عَسى مَن يُوَفّي النُذو
رَ حَجّاً وَيَقضي التَفَث
16. So it touched the disheveled hair.
My tears watered the land, the twister of snakes in the twisted sand,
١٦. يُزَوِّدُني دَعوَةً
بِمَكَّةَ إِذ لا رَفَث
17. It irrigated then bent,
And it would not have harmed him had it stayed.
١٧. يُغيثُ بِها باكِيا
فَأَيُّ الثرى لَم يُغَث
18. It mixed with searching the hidden passions,
About my regrets, it searched.
١٨. وَلَو لَم يَكُن دَمعُهُ
دَماً لَكَفى من حَرَث
19. We confide our secrets to you,
And the water of shelter, we pour.
١٩. شَجا الأسدَ ناعي اِبنِهِ
وَأَشمَت كَلباً لَهَث
20. The children of Maalik cried for you
In the fresh bloom of the land.
٢٠. أَضَمَّ الوَرى إِذ نُعي
فَقُل أَيَّ سُمٍّ نَفَث
21. With every fattened one being sated,
And far from them is all nonsense.
٢١. أَلا إِنّ قَلباً سَرى
لِعَبدِ الغَنِيِّ اِنبَعَث
22. They do not disturb the towns,
When every settler is disturbed.
٢٢. وَرُبَّ خَيالٍ لَهُ
أَلَمَّ فَلَمَّ الشَعَث
23. They taint the dress of piety,
When you do not taint them.
٢٣. سَقى الأَرض مِن أَدمُعي
مُلِثُّ الحَيا في المَلَث
24. So forbearance is like an immense mountain,
And generosity is like pouring rain.
٢٤. سَقاني ثُمَّ اِنثَنى
وَما ضَرَّهُ لَو مَكَث
25. I worship the Rich One, so turn
To the affliction in my heart which lingered
٢٥. وَرابَ بِحَثِّ السُرى
أَعن حَسَراتي بحَث
26. And stand at Muzza when
You set out to it, so seek blessing.
٢٦. نَبُثُّكَ أَسرارَنا
وَماءَ المَآقي نَبُث
27. It will intercede when one falls
The morning of the risen dead.
٢٧. بَكَتكَ بَنو مالِكٍ
رَبيعَ الوَرى في الغَرَث
28. You shunned harm and resentment,
You left your father disheveled.
٢٨. بِكُلِّ سَمينٍ قَروا
وَحاشا لَهُم كُلُّ غَث
29. And God said to you, "Go,
Inherit My Paradise, do not inherit."
٢٩. وَلا يَغلثونَ القُرى
إِذا كُلُّ قارٍ غَلَث
30. So you hurried to the huris that
No faded one has touched.
٣٠. يَلوثونَ أَزرَ التُقى
عَلَيهِم إِذا لَم تَلِث
٣١. فَحِلمٌ كَطَودٍ رَسا
وَجودٌ كَغَيثٍ أَلَث
٣٢. أَعَبدَ الغنيّ اِلتَفِت
لِبَثٍّ بِقَلبي لَبَث
٣٣. وَقِف بِالمرَزّا إِذا
بَرَزتَ لَهُ فَاِستَبَث
٣٤. يُشَفَّع إِذا ما جَثا
غَداةَ قِيامِ الجُثَث
٣٥. أَبَينَ الأَذى وَالقَذى
تَرَكتَ أَباكَ الشَعِث
٣٦. وَقالَ لَكَ اللَهُ سِر
ترِث جَنَّتي لا تَرث
٣٧. فَحُرتَ إِلى الحورِ لَم
يُلِمَّ بِها من طَمَث