
If Allah had ordained for me a request

ولو قضى الله لي بسؤل

1. If Allah had ordained for me a request
That would cure my incurable illness,

١. وَلَو قَضى اللَهُ لي بِسُؤلٍ
فيهِ شَفى دائي العُضالا

2. I have no power over His decree, no
Strength but through Him the Exalted.

٢. لا حَولَ لي في قَضائِهِ لا
قُوَّةَ إِلّا بِهِ تَعالى

3. His reward, if I were patient, would be better,
How many gained through patience, how many attained.

٣. لَأَجرهُ لَو صَبَرتُ خَيرٌ
كَم عاضَ بِالصَبرِ كَم أَنالا

4. I do not claim to have patience, for my heart
Was of rock and turned to change.

٤. لا أَدَّعي الصَبرَ إِنَّ قَلبي
كانَ مِنَ الصَخرِ فَاِستَحالا

5. For my nation I was a leader, one who
Broke in my heart the arrows.

٥. لأَمتي السَرد قَدَّها مَن
كَسَّرَ في قَلبي النِصالا

6. The pearls of my tears are my comfort
When they roll down the mountains.

٦. لِآلئُ الدَمعِ راحَتي في
رُزئِهِ هَدَّتِ الجِبالا

7. Do not disobey me O time, do not blame me O
My eye, even if you frown at me intensely.

٧. لا تَعصِني الدَهرَ لا تَني يا
عَيني وَإِن هِجتني اِنهِمالا

8. I met what toppled the pillar of my glory
And shook my right side and the left.

٨. لاقَيتُ ما هَدَّ رُكنَ مَجدي
وَهَزَّ يمنايَ وَالشِمالا

9. My crescent disappeared imperfectly
While I hoped it would be complete.

٩. لاحَ هِلالي فَغابَ نَقصاً
وَكُنتُ أَرجو لَهُ الكَمالا

10. My nights then returned,
Prolonging my burning agony.

١٠. لانت لَيالِيَّ ثُمَّ عادَت
تَشتَدُّ مِن لَوعَتي طِوالا

11. In you, sleeplessness stuck to my eyelid,
And I wish it would stick to my dreams.

١١. لازَمَ فيكَ السُهادُ طَرفي
وَلَيتَهُ لازَمَ الحِيالا

12. They blamed me, so I said: in it is
The solace of the bereaved, miserable state.

١٢. لاموا فَقُلتُ البَكاءُ فيهِ
راحَةُ ثَكلان ساءَ حالا

13. The heart noticed where you are worn down,
And I became, without guidance, deluded.

١٣. لاحَظَكَ القَلبُ حَيثُ تبلى
فَاِزدَدتُ لَولا الهُدى خبالا

14. The maidens blamed you saying:
"Sleep in comfort, you had a good life."

١٤. لاذَت بِكَ الحورُ قائِلات
اِرقُد هَنيئاً نَعِمت بالا

15. I hope, my master, that it would
Unload the heavy burdens from me.

١٥. لَأَرجُوَن سَيِّدي عَسى أَن
يَحُطَّ أَوزارِيَ الثِقالا