
I have suffered from your illness what

قاسيت من علتيك ما قد

1. I have suffered from your illness what
Even death, when it comes, will pity

١. قاسَيتُ مِن عِلَّتَيكَ ما قَد
رَقَّ لَهُ المَوتُ وَهوَ قاسِ

2. Sickness and bleeding apparent in me
In that and this, all doctors fall short

٢. سُقمٌ وَنَزفٌ أَبانَ عِندي
في ذا وَذا عَجزُ كُلِّ آسِ

3. I was fortunate, so I felt safe from the fire
That fills hell and people

٣. سعِدت فَأمن شَقاء نارٍ
تملا مِن جِنَّةٍ وَناسِ

4. Ask your Lord for forgiveness of my sins
And remember me, even if I'm not people

٤. سَل رَبَّكَ العَفوَ عَن ذُنوبي
وَاِذكُر وَإِن كُنتَ غَيرَ ناسِ

5. The Lord of the Throne has quenched you
So quench the thirst of those you console

٥. سَقاكَ ذو العَرشِ سَلسَبيلاً
فَسَل سَبيلاً لِمَن تُواسي

6. You will see who slept from your sleeplessness
So visit him tomorrow with a cup

٦. سَوفَ تَرى من نَماكَ يَظما
فَطُف عَلَيهِ غَداً بِكاسِ

7. My father's example and his name my healing
Through you both, so what is my relapse?

٧. سنى أَبي وَاِسمُهُ شِفائي
وَفيكَ كانا فَما اِنتِكاسي

8. I hoped in you, calling you
So how did you follow me with despair?

٨. سَمِيّهُ كُنت لي رَجاءً
فَكَيفَ أَعقَبتني بِياسِ

9. My path to you is blocked unless
My reward for what I suffer is with you

٩. سُدَّت سَبيلي إِلَيكَ إِن لَم
تَكُن ثَوابي بِما أُقاسي

10. My soul was delighted then did evil
So time betrayed me in judgment

١٠. سُرَّت بِكَ النَفسُ ثُمَّ سيئَت
فَخانَني الدَهرُ في القِياسِ

11. Nature of time is breaking resolve
And demolishing a building on foundations

١١. سَجيّةُ الدَهرِ نَقضُ عَزمٍ
وَهَدمُ مَبنىً عَلى أَساسِ

12. I'm tired in it of afflictions, indeed
I have felt all kinds of tribulation

١٢. سَئِمتُ فيهِ الخُطوب إِنّي
مارَستُها أَيَّما مِراسِ

13. The blackness of my heart took from me
In you, and gave the whiteness of my head

١٣. سَوادَ قَلبي أَخَذنَ مِنّي
فيكَ وَأعطينَ بيض راسي

14. An evil alternative I carried from it
That which undermined from me the best head

١٤. ساءَ بديلٌ حَملتُ مِنهُ
ما هَدَّ مِنّي أَشَمَّ راسِ