1. I hated my life after losing my beloved
Is there a way to my death?
١. كَرِهتُ بَعدَ الحَبيبِ عَيشي
فَهَل إِلى مُنيَتي سَبيلُ
2. Meeting the one who intended me well
Would be good, so departure is best
٢. لِقاءُ مَن عَلَّني نواهُ
بُرئي فَيا حَبَّذا الرَحيلُ
3. I yearn and alas for a beloved
With no alternative or substitute
٣. لَهفي وَوَيحي عَلى حَبيبٍ
ما مِنهُ بدٌّ وَلا بَديلُ
4. When he grew and was weaned from virtue
It was said a noble derived
٤. لَمّا نَمى وَاِنتَمى لِفَضلٍ
وَقيلَ مُستَنبطٌ نَبيلُ
5. He obeyed the departure caller and obeyed
His beauty made my patience beautiful
٥. لَبّى الرَدى داعِياً وَلَبّى
جَمالهُ صَبرِيَ الجَميلُ
6. I blamed myself for crying that ended me
Until my sadness ended longing
٦. لُمتُ عَلى الدَمعِ فَاِنتَهى بي
حُزني حَتّى اِنتَهى العَذولُ
7. I cannot see patience for a spring
Whose morning and night were good
٧. لَستُ أَرى الصَبرَ عَن رَبيع
طابَ الضُحى مِنهُ وَالأَصيلُ
8. My life was sweet with him and
My eye was content until it withered
٨. لَذَّت حَياتي بِهِ وَقَرَّت
عَينِيَ حَتّى بَدا الذُبولُ
9. Were it not for my life and people saying
Our teacher has been made a fool
٩. لَولا حَياتي وَقَولُ قَومٍ
سُفِّهَ أستاذُنا الخَليلُ
10. I would have torn my clothes for a son
I imagined had been killed
١٠. لَطَمتُ ديباجَتي عَلى اِبنٍ
خُيِّلَ لي أَنَّهُ قَتيلُ
11. I did not forget when the bier stood
And the messenger came to take him
١١. لَم أَنسَ إِذ قامَت النَواعي
وَجاءَ في قَبضِهِ الرَسولُ
12. The night of his deathly rattle in a voice
Emaciated by illness and thinness
١٢. لَيلَةَ تَهليلِهِ بِصَوتٍ
أَرقهُ السقمُ وَالنُحولُ
13. My eyes poured with tears there
And I felt the atoms would disappear
١٣. لَجَّت بُكاءً هُناكَ عَيني
وَخِلتُ أَنَّ الذُرى تَزولُ
14. He did not pass until a sky cried
For its long habit of crying
١٤. لَم يَقضِ حَتّى بَكَت سَماءٌ
لِعَهدِها بِالبُكاءِ طولُ
15. For his sickness the stars of glory
Did not shine when decline took him
١٥. لِدائِهِ أَنجُمُ المَعالي
لا لحت إِذ عاقَهُ الأُفولُ