
I thought solitude would console me, but it only increased my passion,

حسبت النوى تسلي فزدت بها هوى

1. I thought solitude would console me, but it only increased my passion,
And I closed the door of union when it was open.

١. حَسبتُ النَوى تُسلي فَزِدتُ بِها هَوىً
وَأَغلَقتُ بابَ الوَصلِ مِن حَيثُ يُفتَحُ

2. I was deprived of the union of love in seeking riches,
And what riches were there in his face that I gained?

٢. حُرِمتُ وِصالَ الحبِّ في طَلَبِ الغِنى
وَأَيُّ غِنىً في وَجهِهِ كُنتُ أَربَحُ

3. He captivated me with rubies of rosy cheeks,
And the gleam of pearl teeth flashes through his lips.

٣. حَباني بِياقوتٍ مِنَ الخَدِّ أَحمَرٍ
وَدُرِّ فَمٍ مِنهُ سَنا البَرقِ يُلمَحُ

4. A beloved who revives me with the speaking full moon,
And I become intoxicated with wine whose brightness intoxicates me at dawn.

٤. حَبيبٌ أحيّي مِنهُ بِالبَدرِ ناطِقاً
وَأَغبقُ خَمراً مَن لَماهُ وَأصبحُ

5. The tears of the lover flow towards the beauty of his face,
And the dripping of the rock from the touch of his hands.

٥. حسانُ الدمى تَصبو إِلى حُسنِ وَجهِهِ
وَصَلدُ الصَفا مِن لَمسِ كَفَّيهِ يَرشحُ

6. I envied him - may God destroy my envier!
Time was generous with him but became mean.

٦. حُسِدتُ عَلَيهِ قاتَلَ اللَهُ حاسِدي
فَضَنَّ بِهِ الدَهرُ الَّذي كانَ يَسمَحُ

7. I praised my time through him then blamed it,
And this life continues to be satirized and praised.

٧. حمدتُ زَماني فيهِ ثُمَّ ذَمَمتُهُ
وَما زالَ هذا الدَهرُ يُهجى وَيُمدَحُ

8. He has a discourse in the soul I do not divulge
So remembering him delights my heart and wounds it.

٨. حَديثٌ لَهُ في النَفسِ لَستُ أُذيعُهُ
فَتِذكارُهُ يوسي الفُؤادَ وَيَجرَحُ

9. He was present even when absent in penetrating thoughts,
For we are near though the dwellings are remote.

٩. حَضَرنا وَإِن غِبنا جسوماً خَواطِراً
فَنَحنُ قَريبٌ وَالمَنازِلُ نُزَّحُ

10. My flowing tears give life to the meadows after their death,
And the pouring rain flows from it on the ground.

١٠. حَيا عبرَتي يُحيي الرُبى بَعدَ مَوتِها
وَأَنزَرُ مِنهُ الوابِلُ المُتَبَطِّحُ