
If I had a Thahlan for last night

ثهلان لو كان لي لأمست

1. If I had a Thahlan for last night
whose innards were scorched for you,

١. ثَهلانُ لَو كانَ لي لِأَمسَت
عَلَيكَ أَحشاؤُهُ نضاجا

2. Darkness would dawn upon me
when you were my lamp,

٢. جَنَّ عَلَيَّ الظَلامُ صُبحاً
وَإِنَّما كُنتَ لي سراجا

3. My tears ran crimson for you
For they were well-mixed with my blood,

٣. جَرَت دُموعي عَلَيكَ حُمراً
إِنَّ لَها مِن دَمي مِزاجا

4. My heart's wounds bleed for you
With no healer knowing their remedy,

٤. جِراحُ قَلبي عَلَيكَ تَدمى
لَم يَدرِ آسٍ لَها عِلاجا

5. My affliction is grave and my patience wanting
With no relief coming their way,

٥. جَلَّ مُصابي وَعَزَّ صَبري
وَلَم تَجِد كُربَتي اِنفِراجا

6. You made life's nectar bitter aloe
And the fruit of youth sour and unripe,

٦. جَعَلتَ شَهدَ الحَياةِ صاباً
وَآبنوس الشَبابِ عاجا

7. I tested my patience so my mourning surged
And said tears may soothe the billowing grief,

٧. جَرَّبتُ صَبري فَهاجَ ثُكلي
وَقُلتُ يَشفي البُكا فَهاجا

8. I was ignorant, why did I stubbornly grieve
When I knew nothing of stubbornness?

٨. جَهَلتُ ما لي لجَجتُ حُزناً
وَلَم أَكُن أَعرِفُ اللجاجا

9. I denied myself sleep, oh would that
I had risen to converse with the confidant!

٩. جَفوتُ نومي وَلَيتَ أَنّي
قُمتُ فَناجَيتُ مَن يُناجى

10. My skies shone with a star
Freed from the fetters of its moons,

١٠. جادَت سَمائي بِكَوكَبٍ مِن
أَعتَقِ أَقمارِها نتاجا

11. It blazed when dawn peered through
The dark tumultuous night,

١١. جَلَت بِهِ يَومَ لاحَ فهرٌ
غياهَبَ اللَيل وَالعجاجا

12. It argued with me once rendering me
Helpless with its masterly contention,

١٢. جادَلَني مَرَّةً فَأَعيا
براعَتي فَهمُهُ اِحتِجاجا

13. It made me drink poison which turned
Its sound constitution crooked,

١٣. جَرَّعَني السُمَّ فيهِ داءٌ
بَدَّلَ تَقويمهُ اِعوِجاجا

14. May God reward tears amply
I would be happy if they fulfilled a need,

١٤. جَزى الإِلهُ الدُموعَ خَيراً
أَسعَدنَني لَو قَضَينَ حاجا

15. My gem and the conduct of my people
After you will fashion no crown.

١٥. جَوهَرَتي وَالسلوكُ قَومي
بَعدَكَ لا يَعقِدونَ تاجا