1. I have lost all passion but for the sadness of my broken heart,
With which I wander aimlessly in field and orchard.
١. فَنيتُ هَوىً إِلّا حُشاشَة مُهجَتي
أَجولُ بِها في مَربَعٍ وَمَصيفِ
2. Far from friends, I weep for their long absence,
And linger though my vigils offer no relief.
٢. فَريدٌ مِنَ الأَحبابِ أَبكي طُلولهم
وَأكثرُ فيها لَو شُفيتُ وُقوفي
3. Alas, my songs are like lines time's hand erased,
Leaving no trace of letters for these empty pages.
٣. فَوا أَسَفا ما لِلمَغاني كَأَنَّها
سُطورٌ مَحاها الدَهرُ غَيرُ حروفِ
4. Suns I adored, dispersing the gloom with their light,
Have set, eclipsed by the fates, in endless night.
٤. فَقَدتُ شُموساً كُنتُ أَجلو بِها الدُجى
إِلى أَن أَصابَتها النَوى بِكُسوفِ
5. Parting was ours, though together we were so blessed.
But time, always changing, allows no lasting rest.
٥. فِراقٌ نَعِمنا بِالتَواصُل قَبلَهُ
وَلكِنَّها الأَيّامُ ذاتُ صُروفِ
6. I loved a fawn whose face was beauty's morning,
With a spellbinding glance and gait so lightly gliding.
٦. فتنتُ بِمَهضومِ الحَشا ناعِم الصَبا
لَهُ لَحظ سحّارٍ وَمَشي نَزيفِ
7. Indifference in his eyes helped him betray me,
When I sought aid from one so frail and pliant.
٧. فُتورٌ بِعَينَيهِ عَلَيَّ أَعانَهُ
فَيا مَن رَأى مُستَنصراً بِضَعيفِ
8. I offer my soul to him in anger or acceptance.
Blest am I if I'm tried and meet with patience.
٨. فِداءٌ لَهُ نَفسي عَلى السخطِ وَالرِضا
وَطوبى لِنَفسي إِن بُليتُ وَعوفي
9. Euphrates! With your cool waters bring me comfort.
Without you are spears of cane and naked blades.
٩. فُرات الحِمى من لي بِتَبريدِكَ الحَشا
وَدونَكَ سورٌ مِن قَنا وَسُيوفِ
10. My heart is afire with yearning until you soothe it.
Have mercy! Do not abandon the brokenhearted!
١٠. فُؤاد الصَدى حَرّان حَتّى تَبُلَّهُ
بِوَصلِكَ وَالغيران غَير رَؤوفِ